Outskirts Overland Podcast

Reconnecting with Nature: The Wellness of Wilderness, Overlanding Gear, and Embracing Technomadism

Charlie Racinowski Season 1 Episode 5

Have you ever felt the profound tranquility that comes with disconnecting from the digital world and reconnecting with nature? This episode takes you deep into the heart of outdoor well-being, as I share my personal revelations about the mental health benefits that come from immersing oneself in the wilderness. We traverse the landscape of authenticity in our hobbies, exploring the tension between passion and profit in the influencer culture that saturates our outdoor pursuits. With candid stories from my own evolution from racing to off-roading and bow hunting, I invite you to question the genuine interests behind the content we consume and create.

As we steer through the tech-infused terrain of 'technomads', the recent fusion of remote work and roaming adventure is brought into the spotlight. With advancements like WeBoost and Starlink, we're not only changing how we work but also how we engage with the great outdoors. I extend a warm welcome to these new members of our community, acknowledging the fresh perspectives they bring, along with their practical questions about how to navigate this lifestyle shift. Gear talk also gets its moment in the sun, with personal recommendations for items like the Jetboil Flash and the Therm-a-Rest pillow that have enhanced my own experience of outdoor living.

Finally, the gears shift to a candid discussion about portable air conditioners, including a close look at the Zero Breeze models, and a reflection on my future camping plans that underscore the importance of relaxation in nature. As we wrap up this week's journey, I express my heartfelt appreciation for you, my fellow outdoor enthusiasts, who fuel this shared passion for overlanding. Your stories and engagement are the compass that guides our adventures, and I can't wait for our next rendezvous where we continue to nurture our love for the wild, unfettered by the typical bounds of work and technology.

Speaker 1:

Poor große ideas…. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to Outskirts Overland. We are in week five. It's like crazy, it's already week five. I'm like holy moly, I'm getting into this thing. Five weeks, let's go. So welcome to week five. We are going to have a good time today.

Speaker 1:

I got some cool stuff on today. I'm probably going to rant a little more than I have, so you guys will probably get a little more of my personality today and more of my personality in general, not just as it pertains to overlanding or cars or trucks or whatever. So I guess, a couple things coming up. The Jasper Jeep, jasper Jeep Jamboree, jasper Jeep Jam is in Jasper, arkansas. I think it's this weekend. I have no affiliation with that event or those people, but they seem to be cool and it's all over my Instagram, so maybe give it a shot, look it up if you're around Arkansas. I do believe it is this weekend. So, secondly, my buddy is a moderator or founder of a group called Toyota Trucks of Arkansas. It's a group on Facebook. If you are an off-roader and drive a Toyota in Arkansas, go on over there and join. They're really cool people, so loving everybody over there. They seem to be real inviting.

Speaker 1:

I have nothing to do with it. As usual, I have nothing to do with anything but this and me and myself. That's where I'm at. Anyways, as usual, I actually am getting quite a few people listening to this. After I stream it, I'd like to open it up to you guys. Put some comments on the podcast later so that I can know what you guys like talking about or want to talk about or what segments you're enjoying of what I'm doing. I had a pretty decent spike this last week in listeners on the podcast side of things as I look at those analytics. So if you guys like being here, I don't care if you leave me a review, honestly, but just put a comment down there about what you like talking about or what you liked about the episode you're listening to. That helps me make sure I'm getting this stuff and catering it more to you guys. This is definitely something I'm doing, but I'm doing it for you, so I love doing that. So just keep rocking and rolling with it like that and we'll go from there.

Speaker 1:

So the first topic I got today is I got a few topics, that kind of interlock today, and I'm real passionate about these topics, so I don't want it to come off as judgmental toward anybody and by no means does my passion, like you know. But I was rude, but like I'm not trying to be rude or anything. So if I strike a chord with anybody I do apologize ahead of time. That is by no means even close to my intent and I don't want anybody to be like, oh, he's talking about this guy or that guy or this person, I'm not. I genuinely I just am talking, I'm just here, I'm just the guy you get to listen to.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, my first topic is well-being I'm going to run a little ticker across the bottom but is well-being in the outdoors. I bring up well-being in the outdoors because, you know, and I find a lot of inspiration for what I'm talking about on here based on conversations I have with friends of mine, friends, family members I take in a lot of content. I read, I listen to books, I listen to podcasts, not just as they pertain to camping and overlanding, just a number of podcasts. I listen and watch a lot of stuff. So, well-being in the outdoors and I do know this isn't male specific, but I do I would like to point out as a male and advocate of men's mental health, I think getting outside is really good for guys. So if you're not into this hobby, I would just recommend that any guy get out there and, you know, watch YouTube, learn how to fish, get a book, like kind of learn how to get some time alone with yourself outside, though and I don't mean like out on your porch, like get outside for your well-being.

Speaker 1:

It is known that there's seasonal depression every winter. You know the weather's breaking, but you're not going to break that, that seasonal depression, unless you get outside. So get outside, get some sunlight, get yourself out there, not for any reason, not for any reason other than getting out. So make sure you're keeping your head space. You know, I talk a lot about trucks, I talk a lot about overlining, over-overlanding, I talk a lot about gear, I talk about all these things, but, like, really, without you know, really the thing to get you there is the will to do it, the passion to do it, um, the, the, you know, and that really starts here. So this is really the thing you need to be maintaining the most is your, is your head space, your mental space, your attitude, your outlook, so that you can, so that you can kind of keep yourself healthy.

Speaker 1:

I started doing this for a lot of different reasons, but that's one thing that makes me crave it more and come back to it is that it's just really good for me to sit. I'm in the quiet, put my phone somewhere else. It's even better if it doesn't work. Um, if you really need to get a hold of me, I got those satcoms. You can get a hold of me, like if you needed to, not to tell me, you know, I don't know nothing.

Speaker 1:

Minimal, like something really went wrong, somebody's sick, somebody went to the hospital, something like that. If something really went wrong, you can get me, you can reach me, but but make sure you guys are are getting out there, guys and girls getting out there. Get them a new outdoor hobby that makes it fun. Start playing bags outside, start journaling, writing, reading, drawing, get into some photography, but also and this is going to lead straight into my next point in in a weird way. But like, get into those things, not in a competitive or business minded mindset. Like, don't start taking pictures because you like them and then be like I could sell them. Let's make it a business. Like, keep your, keep your outdoor hobbies, hobbies, keep these things for you so that you can have a decompression state. You know, don't don't start writing in your journal and then be like now I'm starting a blog, like I'm not doing a stream for any other reason than Facebook.

Speaker 1:

Groups have changed the way information gets out on Facebook groups. So if I'm on a large Facebook group with 65,000 people and I'm trying to put out good information, the algorithm loses it anymore. Facebook used to like, prioritize top commenters and moderators and admins, and it just doesn't anymore. So I started streaming, just because there are people that have questions and they get lost in the sauce and there's information I'm trying to give based on a wide number of questions that's getting lost in the sauce too. So I felt like this was a. This is this is where Facebook groups went. Is is this I'm streaming? Other people are podcasting. Some people are doing YouTube. I mean, I guess I'm on YouTube right now If you're watching me, and that's all good, but that's that's the only reason I do this.

Speaker 1:

I'm not doing this again. I have no backing for this outside of myself. I'm just doing this thing Like, if you listen, you listen. If you don't, you don't. All I want to bring to this is that I'm the most genuine resource out here. Like I am not pushing anything on anybody, and if you like to be cool and if you don't, I'll talk to you about the outdoors. If you don't like that, but you want to like that, I'm here for you too. Like I think it's so important to get outside for your wellbeing.

Speaker 1:

So which which brings me to my next thing like people getting into things only to make it a business, only to make it profitable, only to get free stuff, only to make money, only for clout If you don't know what clout is like popularity, influence, all of these things, so like. So that's my second topic today is, like I'm into overlanding, but are you in it or why are you in it? Like I'm finding I'm just finding, like right now, that I am seeing a lot of, I'm seeing a lot of influence from people that only influence. So what I mean by that is I see a lot of influence right now in this industry and in this, in, in this space you know automotive, even in general. But like when I started watching People on YouTube or Instagram, like people were putting out their genuine opinions and lives in Stories and you tuned in to watch like what they were doing it has all turned into. Like QVC is gone in the 90s and now we have influencers.

Speaker 1:

Like everything's a plug, like, and at the beginning of this I plugged one of my friends. Facebook groups sue me. Like you want to know how much that helps anybody? None, I mean. Just join the group. It's a cool group. The guys are cool, like whatever. If you want to go to an event that I know about, cool, go to that. Maybe me, some people maybe don't. I don't even know who runs it. Like, but like, are you in it right now? Are you just latching on to this thing because it's popular right now? And some of you guys are going to see these people that hop hobbies based on popularity.

Speaker 1:

And I've been known to jump from racing To off-roading to over land, to different things. Like right, like I've been known to jump, jump ship slightly. You know bow hunting, but like, if you look at a lot of the things I'm doing, it's outdoors and it's vehicles, so I'm kind of always staying in that space. I I used to be real in the fitness, not that I'm not in the fitness now, but that was my job. So I think a lot of people misconstrued me as a hobby jumper with that. But like my job was that I was a strength coach and a nutritionist. By no means was that ever. That was not a hobby of mine. I will be abundantly clear about that. Never once was I was passionate about it. But it wasn't like what I wanted to do when I wasn't at work like I did it for an income. It was my job. So I've always been into the hobby of Of just cars, I mean just cars and outside, like however that Kind of goes together, whether that is camping, I mean cuz even racing when I was racing I mean that's outside.

Speaker 1:

I Mean you're still outside, it's still going to do something like it's not. I Mean I don't know. I never did the show car thing. I'm not doing the cars and coffee thing now, but I see a lot of people. Anyways, back to my point. I see a lot of people joining this industry and joined this industry.

Speaker 1:

It got super popular during the thing you know the cough thing. So I got super popular during that and I saw people that had been doing it previous selling out, which I mean I Can't speak to that because I wasn't in in the world of influence at that time. So some of them are probably just overwhelmed and like sure, whatever, you know, whatever. And some of those people have gone away and put their content still out there and their channels are still big and they're. They got a lot going on. But there's also a lot of people I've seen come out of nowhere because they saw that happen and now I don't know that they're, I Don't know that they're into this hobby or into this travel or into this Because they love it or because it's just the profitable thing. Like this is the new Sham, wow. You know, like Everybody knows about it, like it's just the new thing and and it's not new per se, but I mean, I would say pretty much, even before the cough thing, like 2019, pretty much it became a popular, a Popular or regular occurrence to see things about overland travel. So I'd say I'd say that's when a lot of it started would be 2019. Then the thing happened. It got really big because everybody wanted to get out.

Speaker 1:

But you know, I just just, I just I don't know. I feel like I need to talk about it like make sure you guys are, make sure you guys are paying attention to what you're doing, what you're watching, what you're taking in, because those folks you latch on to. They may just be, they may honestly just be getting you know and I want to say paid. I don't know, I don't know how any of that works. I'm not sponsored, I I don't know. I don't want to hack like I know how it works, but I will tell you that, for instance, I have a Dometic fridge. I'll talk about this every time you will not find an influencer pushing a Dometic fridge because ice co-sponsors everybody's channel. Like Do these people really like that fridge? Or they game paid by ice co? Like come on now, guys, do any football players really like the brand of shoes they're wearing? Or is that who pays them the most money? That is now the overland space on social media.

Speaker 1:

So make sure you're paying attention to what you're watching, what who you're looking at, if they're genuine. There are some big channels out there and some big guys that are extremely genuine that I do enjoy following and you will see they have equipment and they have stuff, but there there's no product integration. Now I do realize some channels and some some accounts they need that product integration because they do it for a living, but then again, are they in it because they like it or they in it to make a living, like when I did training and nutrition, like that was my job. That kind of ruined me ever wanting that as my hobby. So you know which?

Speaker 1:

Again, I don't think there's anything wrong with making a job of it, but just, you know, don't sell me chicken shit and call it chicken salad, that's all like. Don't tell me you're about it and you love it and it's your identity, but really you're just out to make your five bucks. And now you've got these people that work hard in this bad economy, buying the shit you're pushing and it's junk but you're doing fine, but all these people aren't that are trusting you. So, like that, just that just ruffles my feathers. Guys like it. Just that just burns me, man, because even I have friends like I try to give good advice, but like I don't have the, I don't have the pull with them that some of these other folks do and I only have good intentions for them. But they trust these folks, you know, and we live in a digital world where people will digitally love someone and it's and it's just so like guys. Just I just like the big real everybody back to look at that, like you know, really.

Speaker 1:

So, which brings me to my third point here, on what we're talking about here. I see this being a thing that's going to be popular in 2024 and forward, and that's I labeled it across the bottom as be welcoming to the digital nomads, technomads. But with the, with the, I think we're going to see a lot more people that live the corporate cubicle life, you know, getting more into their Subaru, their forerunner, their Tacoma, you know whatever Forester, full size truck getting out more because the availability to be a technological professional and travel and get out in the woods and explore and kind of enjoy some of that life while still working a tech job or still working a corporate job as like a as like somewhat of a hybrid work from home because of a couple of products I'll show you guys, and this isn't even about the products on my radar, but I am seeing quite a few more people that own businesses working from the back country because of WeBoosts and Starlink. I see quite a bit more people that like creatives, whether that's tech creatives or so just one thing I want to bring up is like I foresee that to be the new.

Speaker 1:

The new era is your, your folks that have been working in an office in their basement, being like in the summer months or something being like man. I could spend a couple grand I you know like, as as the economy happens, like they can't stop working to take vacations. But you could like travel now with a WeBoost and Starlink and still work your vacation and really it's not going to be any hindrance at all because you can get good service and internet from anywhere. So I think that's going to be like a new type of, a new type of person coming into the hobby. So make sure you guys are are just being aware of that and being welcoming to those individuals because, as a lot of us came from off-roading and wheeling and cars, I think we're going to get a lot more people that are, that are that are very interested without a lot of knowledge about camping, you know, camping, surviving, different things. They're going to have a lot of like novel questions like what do you guys do to carry water, like I went out this last time. So make sure you guys just pay attention because those people are the term ignorant is not used here as a, as a derogatory term they're just not going to know a lot of things, but they're going to know they can now work from outside due to these advances.

Speaker 1:

So the first thing is this wee boost and I'm bringing it on and this is the drive reach overland. This is just a freaking. This is a wee boost. A lot of guys pump this thing and now again it's 500 bucks and now for me, I go out in the wilderness to get away. But if you're one of these people that's getting into it to work, this thing could be great and it's going to be on these freaking built out jeeps and stuff like okay, let's ignore all that, because if you're going out there to work, you don't need a rooftop tent or a spare tire to go work in the national forest.

Speaker 1:

But like, these are things that those type of people and if any of them do watch like this is where to start 549 bucks for a wee boost. Probably take it to any car audio place. They can install that for you and that's where you could start. That's where you could start that that journey for yourself of being being out there and still working. Like, if you're a social media person, that's totally fine. Now, if you're a professional, corporate job or otherwise, then we want this guy, we want the Starlink and I'm just bringing it up on here.

Speaker 1:

It's expensive if you're overlanding for a hobby. But like, say, you want to go work from your car for four months, this thing's $599. The Rome is the one you get for your car and you can get, you know you can get for 150 bucks a month. You can get mobile global for you get mobile priority. I mean I don't know that. I think those are outrageous for somebody using it for work. At that point. Your truck's your office and you got right off associated. You know, maybe you're a 1099. I don't want to get too much into like business, but maybe you're a 1099. Maybe you're a 1099 virtual assistant, mobile nomad, whether you're a copywriter or a web designer or, and you just can work from anywhere. Well, now you go buy a I don't know forerunner and now you just write it off because that's your office, or write 20% of it off or whatever. Talk to your accountant. But yeah, I mean I see this being a huge draw. I see it starting in 2024. I don't think it's going to be big in 2024. I think it's going to start in 2024.

Speaker 1:

On, I think most of the hiccups with Starlink are irrelevant now. I think Starlink is like pretty well buttoned up and it is going to bring a lot more professionals that are doing this professionally for work. I think people are going to start being more nomadic just cause they can. I think Gen Z is like a perfect example of a generation that could really get into this and van life could take off or whatever you know, because they can just buy this thing. I mean, for 500 bucks you can have internet in your car. You don't have to have a built out car, just get a four wheel drive car. You can do most things. It's going to. It's going to. It's going to um, I think it's going to shift, overlanding slightly. I think it's going to become more soft, roting.

Speaker 1:

Just because of this specifically, I think the industry will take a step back from hardcore because it's going to be so popular. It's going to grow because now your subset of people that are getting into it is so much bigger. Just because of Starlink and WeBoost, you're going to see other knockoffs of those two. Maybe I don't know what the patent is on them, but maybe I think that we got to be as somebody that's very interested in everybody getting into this hobby. There's a lot of information I have that's not technological, about just, you know, living in the wilderness for extended amount of days. Some of these people are just going to have to do it and figure it out, but I do think there's a lot of them that are going to do it and figure it out. We're going to see this, this we're going to see overlanding grow because of it into a longer stay. It's going to be a less camp and more of a lifestyle for some folks.

Speaker 1:

I really fully believe that's happening because, if you look at it right now, house prices are going through the roof. The economy's through the roof. I mean it's a great time to dial back. You could do it all at your office. Your house could all be your car. You could go out in the wilderness and take awesome pictures and have coffee with views and still work. I mean it's no different than work from home. Your home just doesn't have a payment as well. With the economy the way it is. I just think this is a huge draw for this community.

Speaker 1:

Make sure you guys are aware of that. That's going to be a different type of people, but I do think those people come with a lot less opinions and are a lot nicer. They'll be humble folks. I do think they'll be humble. They're just not going to be. What we've been seeing for the last few years is all I'm saying. So I'll go ahead and kick off of that. So those are the three topics. I always cover the three.

Speaker 1:

I got the gear that's on my radar highly renowned segment here. Before we kick away from just me jabbing, but gear that's on my radar, this week I actually just pick stuff, kind of becoming more aware of my last topic. I kind of pick stuff that I have and I realize other people don't necessarily have and want that. We're early purchases, they're things that I purchased early on. So that's where I'm going with. First, let me get that down across the bottom AB. There it goes. Hey, there's my mouse. It decided to work again, all right. So the first thing on my radar I'm going to kick off with is let me see if I got it on the screen.

Speaker 1:

Here is the Jetboil Flash. This is on my radar because literally I think I'm the only one of my group of guys that one other guy has one, but it's the Jetboil Flash. This is the one I use and if you look, I don't know if you guys can see my mouse. But if you look here, these things light up orange when the water is boiling and I really like that. I use this for coffee and dehydrated meals. Jetboil Flash pretty chill Little thing and get in some different colors, whatever. But I recommend the Flash with the cover. It's like an ampery cover but it changes color when the water is boiling. I love that. Super big thing for me, something that I absolutely love. Love in the Jetboil. But again, you get a Jetboil Flash without the. You get a Jetboil Flash without the orange things and then you got to wait for it to spill over on your shit before it's boiling and that's not fun. I've done that with mine, like this, but I wouldn't recommend 10 out of 10. Don't recommend so.

Speaker 1:

Secondly, so Jetboil Flash. I think it's something that everybody should get. I had that before I had a stove, a Jetboil Flash. It's really useful for hot water to put in your now gene, like I expressed earlier, for heat coffee food. You can take crappy water, boil it. It's now drinkable water. It's one of the more basic things not that people think of and it's one of the only things that I always use every single day when I go out. There is not a day I have camped or overland ever travel period in my truck that I have not used my Jetboil at least once, if not 10 times. So Jetboil Flash is a huge one to get. It's on my radar because it should be. It's more me showing you what should be on your radar with this one. All of these are, should be on your radar. I own them. You should own them too.

Speaker 1:

Next thing is the Thermarest Compressible Pillow. I have this exact one in this. It's not the best pillow ever, but it's also not an inflatable pillow. It does pack up and I'll scroll that here in just a second, but it's a nice pillow. It's fairly priced. I think the more ugly ones are the $31 ones, but do as you wish. I don't know what I paid for mine, like $35 or something like that. It's a great pillow. It's camp size, but not camp size. It's not full size, but it's not your normal camp size, walmart. So I'll do a little scroll here and it folds up into itself. So I like that. Here's a whole bunch of ones that I wouldn't recommend. These blowups and different things Terrible, terrible, terrible idea. But this one see how it goes about sizes now, gene, it does roll up nicely. It's very easy to wash. It goes back to its form factor in the shower, in the dryer. Because of that I like it. So the Therma-Rest compressible pillow I don't know a camp store that really doesn't have it.

Speaker 1:

Next, a little different from my normal, this is something that I have that is dumb and very worth having. This is a 12 egg carrier that closes on both sides. I mentioned it last week and I did so. I was like man. I should probably bring that up. I don't keep my eggs. I do two things with eggs. I put them in this thing. I have a yellow one, but whatever they're on Amazon they're $8. You can probably find on Amazon for $5. But anyways, keep your eggs from breaking in your stuff. But I've also shown some of my other friends I will take my eggs and crack them all and put them in a bottle like liquid eggs, just put them in a bottle. But both of those things come from me having broken the hell out of eggs in my coolers and fridges and that is a no-go. I hate that. Sorry, guys getting a drink here. So I hate that. So I really like this thing. It's pretty simple, it's easy, they're cheap enough. You probably will break it at some point, without eggs in it like step on it or something, but I love it. I'll click through a few of the pictures here for you guys so you can see. It's just a little egg thing, man, like nothing. There's really nothing fancy about that thing, but man, it is worth it. I mean, man, it's worth $8. I'll tell you that for positive.

Speaker 1:

Next thing, and these are the first things I bought Like straight up, these are the first things I bought. This is something I didn't buy first. It's a trasheroo. This is a trasheroo. It says spare tire trash bag. You could clip this thing on the back of your tailgate too. You could clip it on your door when you're at camp.

Speaker 1:

But if you don't have a place to put your trash, you're wrong. You need a trash bag. A lot of people are like, oh, the trash bag, whatever People put wood in it, whatever I put trash in that thing, you get to camp spots and they're totally torched with shit. You could put all the trash in there, put a trash bag liner in it, put your trash in there, carry your stuff out, have a trash bag. It is such a pain. I didn't have a trash bag my very first time going on like a four day Just overlanding Again.

Speaker 1:

When you do a lot of backpacking or hunting a lot of the stuff is like you pack out your trash just in your pack because you have a pack on your back but with this vehicle thing you're out in the middle of nowhere. There's no trash can. Huge fail on my part. My very first time doing it. Get a frickin' vehicle attached trash bag. Take it off when you're done. Whatever, you don't got to have it on all the time. Whatever, do what you do. But that is a must have. I had a NAPA one forever from Napa Auto Parts. It was cheap, cheap, cheap. This one's on Amazon. I think a lot of you resonate with Amazon. So it's called a trasheroo. You'll find all kinds of iterations of it. But get a trash bag. I mean just get a trash bag.

Speaker 1:

And then another thing that's a no brainer here that I am a huge fan of is gloves. Dude, make sure you got a good pair of gloves with you. Put them in your kit. These are mechanics gloves that have leather on them, so they're not like your normal mechanics gloves. They do those kind of ripple a little easier. And these are 20, whether 23 bucks, I'd get a pair of these. You can I mean, here's the advertisement but you can wash them and they turn out to be that you machine wash them, you let them dry. They work really well. I highly recommend these to anybody. If you don't have gloves, I mean you're just asking for stitches at some point, you know you're really just asking for it, so make sure you got gloves, guys.

Speaker 1:

So I wanted to cover as, getting back to the basics, kind of like, where did I start? What are some really initial things? I got, you know, trash bag, gloves, a different pillow. A pillow was something that I always was forgetting. I just fold up a hoodie or my clean clothes or my dirty clothes, whatever, and sleep on those Pillows, kind of a nice comfort. It's easy to pack. You know your jet boils a good thing.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, I'm going to talk about water. Water is a big consideration. I haven't decided what water vessel that I want to recommend to you guys, so that's why I haven't touched on water. Anyways, that's where I sit with that. So that opens it up. I mean there's a few you guys still hanging out.

Speaker 1:

The chat's not too active tonight, so we'll do what we do with it. But that's what I got going on there. I'm going to put the chat, I'm going to get rid of my logo and I'm going to put the chat up on the screen for you guys. I'm open to everybody's questions. I see that a couple folks really liked that.

Speaker 1:

I brought up the tech professionals getting into the nomadic life and I really want to make sure I bring that up because I do think that's going to be our new generation of this hobby. So you're either going to go with it or gatekeep it. I guess. I mean, if you want to be that guy, I'm more than happy that everybody gets into this and help everybody learn to take care of camp appropriately and just teach them the ways that it goes, instead of being the guy. That's like. You don't know. I go more than you, my truck's cooler than yours. I mean a lot of people with cool trucks never take them anywhere either. Don't scratch my awesome overly built truck, yeah, ok. So anyways, I put the chat up here.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to see if we could get into some topics, guys, that you guys have. So go ahead and kick off in the chat. I'll give the chat a little bit of time. You know I'm not, and if you guys have anything that comes up or any questions on anything that I brought up, bring it here. I mean by all means. Again, I brought it up.

Speaker 1:

If you're listening to this later from live, go ahead and drop a comment. Go ahead and drop a comment on the podcast. Again, I don't care if you give me a one star or a five star, I'm not going to stop. I'm not making a living and I'm not going to stop doing this, no matter what. Ok, so like I give zero shits about that, I'm here regardless. I have been saying I would do this forever, so I'm doing it. It really has nothing to do with ratings or reviews or I mean none of that. So just drop a comment. Let me know what you want to talk about, or that you hate me, and I'll address that as well. I don't care, but anything might appreciate it, no matter what. So Zion mentioned. So yeah, I talked about this extensively last week.

Speaker 1:

I promised you guys I'd do a truck walk around in my truck. It's up, it's on my Instagram Outskirts, overland. I did it live. I had some connection issues. It still came out all right. It's 27 minutes long. It's in my reels, it was alive. I go over my truck, you're all welcome and I love you all and you'll see everything about my truck in its entirety and it'll be awesome. So you guys can do that. It's there. Go watch Outskirts overland, go to my reels, my truck, it's there, it's so cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so actually my girlfriend's popping in here because she is, she is outskirts overland. You know, bravo. I'd say I'm Alph and she's bravo, she's number two. We do everything together. So she watches all this stuff too, she reads all this stuff too, she goes with me. She is a very big part of my, of me doing this and it.

Speaker 1:

And you know, and that's why I talked on episode two, like making it comfortable for them my girlfriend doesn't require much comfort as some people, but but that doesn't mean that we don't go around to other females and stuff, and I'm aware of what what that would take. So anyway, somebody just asked I have a heater now. Never thought I would. What would you suggest to use in the summer? And the reason I bring up my girlfriend being like number two, I don't think she wants to be on screen or I would bring her on to talk cause she'd be. That's kind of a funny dynamic between me and her. We have a little different mindset on it all. She I'm I get a little more tied up in gadgets than her and she's like we shouldn't buy that and I'm like I, I, I already bought it, I, yeah. But sometimes she's all for it and it's in that that's a little reaffirming too when somebody with some real common sense is saying to do it. So anyways, she said we watched a guy the other night and he had an AC unit that was very similar to a diesel heater, size wise, exhaust intake.

Speaker 1:

It's called a zero breeze. A zero breeze is essentially an electric. I think it's electric, actually, I don't even know that. A zero breeze is a portable air conditioner and it's going to be very similar functioning to a diesel heater where it has, like the exhaust, the intake and the cooling tube. The zero breeze is pretty expensive, I believe.

Speaker 1:

Let's look. I mean that's why I'm here, let's look. Zero breeze. I mean I'll do it for you guys. I don't know what these things cost, but I will show you what they are. It looks like they got a mark one, a mark two and a mark three. I have no clue in the world. Let's, let's screen share y'all, let's do that.

Speaker 1:

Zero breeze yeah, sure, here it is. Yeah, I don't want an exclusive offer. Okay, zero breeze. Here you guys go. Here's zero breeze. Can I make this bigger? I don't like the size of this. There's no bueno for me. I don't like this bigger, I want it bigger.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, zero breeze here, off grid, the first real off grid air conditioner, zero breeze. Mark two the mark twos thousand bucks, or you can get it monthly, I guess for 81 bucks a month for I don't know a hundred years. It doesn't matter, whatever. The mark three is 11. What is this? Fast charging? That's just a power station. So these are portable air conditioners. The mark three is 1199. The mark twos nine.

Speaker 1:

You know, if you went a lot in the summer, I mean maybe them rapid cooling, 90 degrees to 60 in 10 minutes, 24 volt battery and you could use household battery. I don't know how much that would use overnight or anything, but that is an air conditioner that you can get. I don't have one, nor, nor nothing, to know nothing about it. But you are incorrect, mr Tyson, it's not $1,400. It's a thousand. But it might make you go more often. And that brings me right back to those folks that buy a star link and start working out in the back country. That might be a huge thing and maybe with a more popularity, maybe with more popularity it's going to come down in price. Maybe some people bought it and still don't go Facebook marketplace, look for it. Somebody else might you know. Diesel heaters are so cheap now because they started off as Wobosto and Wobosto diesel heaters still $1,100, 800 bucks. Chinese Vivo is a hundred. They will most likely knock that off, but they haven't done it yet. Or maybe again, patents keep people from doing things. Maybe they won't, but just just, I mean, that's what's out there now.

Speaker 1:

I use a fan and open my windows, but again, I handle the heat way, way, way better than a lot of people. Yeah, I don't know what. I don't understand the discomfort with weather extremes. I just really hate the sand and the rain because they're messy and that's a pain in my butt. But the extreme weathers don't really bother me too much, whether it's whether it is heat or cold. I mean, I'm drinking electrolytes right now, like drink water. Pour water on your head, get a fan. I don't find shade. Get acclimated Another huge thing. Just make sure you're acclimated to the extremes, like if it's going to be hot and you know you're about to go on a trip that's going to be hot. Make sure you're getting some time outside in the heat so that it's not a huge freak and shock to you when you're outside in the heat. So that's a huge one.

Speaker 1:

Where do I get going on? What else you guys got? I did just finally run hard, like constant power, to the back of my truck and put some lights in my camper shell finally, like, actually like lights in the camper shell, not just like lanterns and magnetic. I actually put real lighting in my camper shell now. So that's nice and it really didn't take that long for me. I know that, like here, my broken record. I know we're going to talk about 12 volts someday. I'm not nailing down a time for that. You guys can, I'll get to it when I get to it. It's not fun for me. I know it's sought after information though, anyways, but I got power back there and I got lights back there on a switch.

Speaker 1:

It's fancy, I like it. Not fancy, but like fancy. You know how to kind of like when you don't have a cup with a lid. Then you get a cup with a lid and you're like ooh, I'm fancy, but really it's basic. But it's also still just better than the most basic, kind of like that, like it's very, very minimally above, like ghetto, because it looks nice, but it's also kind of still like real basic, but I love it. I love being able to go back there and all the time I have lights, truck on, truck off, don't matter, always got lights, don't got a mess of batteries. Bam lights, freakin sick, Love it.

Speaker 1:

Um, I did that this weekend. I don't know how long that took. I could tell you. I think it took us like an hour, maybe me and my dad. I think it took us like an hour to run the wire and do everything Hard to get. Well, I'm making the bracket. Took me some time with the aluminum I did make up. Anyways, yeah, I made a bracket and it's nice, so it looks okay. That took some time. I had my kids out there with the grinding wheel. My three year old was doing the grinding wheel. Girl female. My three year old daughter was doing the grinding wheel. There's a. It was not very girlfriend approved, but we're doing it. That's what we're doing. So that happened, so it is.

Speaker 1:

It is the weather's changing, so that's awesome. I think that more people camp in the summer. If you're like myself, I prefer I prefer to winter, but I will camp the summer. I'm camping this weekend. I camp two weekends ago. I'm camping again this weekend for two or three nights, I haven't decided yet. I am going this weekend, looking forward to it, going to a new place that I've never been before and we'll see. I booked it on the dot gov site and it has been booked, so I had to book it out, but it looks good, looks like it'll be good. It's a back country spot, it's just. It's a. It's paid. Unfortunately it's off grid but it's paid. But it's got some really, really good views. I'd assume that's why it's so popular. I'll be my guest. I'm pretty excited about that. We'll camp.

Speaker 1:

I got a book I'm reading by Dan Greck, who is a really really popular overlander the road chose me, and it's about his journey from essentially being, you know, getting a really high level degree to essentially working at a ski resort and then becoming a worldwide vehicular traveler. That's really, really cool book. It's nice to read stuff that resonates kind of with the way I feel and what I want to do with my life. And you know, sometimes I feel real weird when I'm around other people and I'm like man, I just sell everything, household, everything you know. Not again, not if you go look at my truck, review not that stuff or my truck, walk around or whatever, but like and and and figure it out. You know, like I don't know. I just yearn for that, which is why I do go out so much and I'm so interested in this and passionate to get everybody involved.

Speaker 1:

So line break here asks when is your next big camping trip? I mean pretty much. Thankfully my truck's like done until something breaks and and and I'm not doing anything as hardcore as I once was, so hopefully that mitigates the breakages. So my next big camping trip really is my next big camping trips really? I mean every other weekend, maybe even more than that, at least. Yeah, I mean I'm pretty open. I don't know where I'll go on a big trip this year, last year into Colorado, I haven't decided yet. I keep coming back to the upper peninsula of Michigan. I don't know. I'm not going back to Colorado though this year, maybe another year, but not this year. Maybe New Mexico, I don't know. I don't know where I'm going to go this year for a bigger trip, but Michigan's pretty high on my list for the summer it's a little cooler out here, it's just awesome.

Speaker 1:

I also really want to go to the east coast. I've never done any of the Cape Cod kind of stuff, like that kind of architecture I don't know if you guys understand what I'm saying. The northeast, like Vermont, delaware, maine I've never done any of that. I think that'd be really cool to explore too, like the real historic United States. I think there's a lot there like cobblestone and different influence from English settlers and stuff. I'd really like to see some of that old stuff too. Maybe I'll go out there, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I do want to put Canada on my map sometime in the next couple years. I really want to get up to Banff, banff, banff, whatever. It's a big park. I'd really like to get to Canada, start working my way up there. I do have a pretty good friend of mine lives in Anchorage, alaska, and I would like to get to Alaska at some point too. But anyways, this year I'm really looking. I'd say it's probably between Upper Peninsula Michigan, kentucky, the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, probably where I'm at. I'd say that's where I'm looking, not looking but being put on the spot here. That would be.

Speaker 1:

What is my knee jerk thoughts for the summer or maybe the fall. I don't know when we'll go. I got vacation that I can take whenever. That's probably when my next big big under in quotations big trip will be. I'm sure there'll be another Arkansas trip in there, somewhere to go float. I really like the. I've said it here, but maybe I'm on week five. You guys aren't probably sick of it yet.

Speaker 1:

I like the Buffalo River so I'll probably, we'll probably, go float on the Buffalo again at some point for three, four days over one of the longer weekends. I really like that. I really had fun doing that. I've never floated before last year doing that and I liked that a lot. I really enjoyed that. So I'll probably do something like that as well for a long weekend. Everything else will be in the one to three day range, just getting out there. That's what I got going with that Anyways.

Speaker 1:

So what's everybody else got planned coming up this summer? What's everybody doing to there? What stuff are you guys looking at? What stuff are you guys, what are you guys interested in? Everybody's at a different place in this hobby.

Speaker 1:

So I was very much the last couple of years really in the vehicle in the vehicle building phase. Before that I was in the camping phase and I just had the ground tent. I mean, I had my setup dialed in for that, but I wasn't building a truck. Then I just the truck. I had worked fine, all my vehicles worked fine for that and I just did that and it was awesome. But I've really been in the vehicle build phase for the last really two years, pretty hard two years, and I'm really just happy to be out of that phase. I enjoyed that phase but I'm happy to be out of that now. So if you're in that phase, that's a lot of fun and stress and accomplishment and excitement, a lot going on when you're in the build phase of a vehicle, getting a vehicle ready.

Speaker 1:

And man, I get a lot of questions from people about the new Tacoma. Are you going to go the new Tacoma? No, my truck is such a different vehicle than any Tacoma now it's just that's the Charlie truck. So that's what I'm going to have, the Charlie edition. So it's what I'll have until God forbid something happens. Do it.

Speaker 1:

So Tyson said he's going camping again this weekend. I talked to Tyson a little bit the other day and he kind of he's kind of with me. We're all in a little bit of a need for some decompression away. So I'm not going camping with Tyson. I do go camping with Tyson often, but we are going separate this weekend, as I think we all probably. I don't need a break from Tyson by any means, but any break from everybody except my girlfriend, so just me and her again. The one night we did a little bit ago just was not enough. I need. I mean I almost got a. It takes me a day to even quit just being busy bee. I got to get away for longer just so I can actually relax. And man, I don't know who all's on here, but when you listen later to guys I just cannot.

Speaker 1:

My favorite thing to do is take a nap. I love taking a nap when I'm camping. Is anybody else about that nap life Like, even when I'm deer hunting, like everybody comes in, you know, when you go deer hunting out in the stand and everybody like hunts the. You know. Essentially most people hunt either three times or two times, real early in the morning and before sunset or early in the morning, kind of that lunchtime, mid afternoon to sunset. I like taking a nap in that tree stand Like I literally will bring my stuff out there and I would just conk out, dude, like I don't know what it is about sleeping outside, but man, I freaking like it, I like it a lot. It's naps. I mean, obviously you're sleeping outside when you're sleeping, sleeping in the dark, but I like a good warm nap, like a summer afternoon nap. I don't know what that is, I don't know if that just me, but I do enjoy that a lot and yeah, so whatever, but anyways.

Speaker 1:

So I guess I mean there's not a whole bunch going on in the chat this week. I kind of didn't, honestly, I didn't figure. Honestly, I didn't figure anybody. I thought this would be a slower week. I just wanted to bring some info out, kind of that. I was, that I was feeling that was kind of that was kind of weighing on me. You know, as far as you know, just influencers and social media and the new group of people that I think is absolutely going to be in this community if it already has started to be in this community due to some technological advances that we now have and just make sure we're all being cool with those folks. They're not going to know. They're going to know a lot about some stuff we don't know and we're going to know a lot about some stuff that they don't know. So making sure that we're all being cool with those folks.

Speaker 1:

My girlfriend says she always naps when she hunts. Yeah, I mean, I just I don't know why, but like I don't know, like I feel lazy if I let nap at home when I'm out in the woods, it's like it's like a different, it's like I'm not lazy, I'm, in nature, naturally enlightened, like I don't know. I don't know if it's just like a perception I have or something I don't know, but I feel way better about it when I'm camping. So, yeah, I don't, yeah, it's whatever, but anyways, I'll cut us off here. I'll talk to you guys next week. I'll be on the stream next week on Wednesday. It's Tuesday this week, right, wednesday next week at 6.30.

Speaker 1:

And I just appreciate you guys being here, everybody that's listening. I really appreciate you guys. I am, I am blown away, honestly, by I mean YouTube gives you like a I'm again, I'm a YouTube creator because I stream on YouTube. But YouTube gives you like this cool thing at the end of the month and they're like this is how many hours people watched your stuff and and I mean like hundreds of hours, I was like all right, that's kind of cool, like thanks guys, thanks for making me a part of your life. That's cool, that's super cool. And then on my podcast stuff it says how many downloads I get and stuff and I'm just psyched on it, like I'm truly humbled that anybody's listening. So in a bunch of you guys I don't know. So that's cool, I'm just cool. I love having you guys here. Maybe you know sometime.

Speaker 1:

Again, I'm not much on the influence. I don't really go to like the stuff that's exposed or anything. You know, just a guy out there doing it, just a dude. But if I ever do meet any of you guys, let me know you listen and man, that's. You know. Again, I don't sell anything on a patches or anything, but I got all kinds of high fives. I found it like I'm psyched. I'm psyched on it, thanks guys. So I'll be here next week on Wednesday 6 30 and we'll go from there. I'll talk to you guys later. Appreciate y'all and have a good evening.