Outskirts Overland Podcast

Who do I follow for inspiration ? My top follows !

Charlie Racinowski Season 1 Episode 18

Ever wondered how top overlanding influencers craft their adventures? This episode of Outskirts Overland promises to uncover the strategies and insights from some of the most inspiring figures in the overlanding community. Join us as we kick things off with an exciting announcement about a potential collaboration with Benji from Newfound Overland! We also share our personal stories and favorite content creators, including Fletch from All Things Overland and Scott Brady from Expedition Overland, who have significantly influenced our overlanding journeys.

We venture into the realm of YouTube, spotlighting diverse channels that cater to different aspects of overlanding. From family travel tips on Lifestyle Overland to solo expeditions with Hunter Pauly and Keegan Jasper, we cover a spectrum of experiences that provide invaluable advice and inspiration. Discover international adventures with channels like Dirt Sunrise (now Salty Sunrise) and Toyota World Runners, and gain insights from Jeep-based content by Venture to Rome. This episode is your comprehensive guide to finding overlanding content that resonates with your unique journey.

Embrace your creative side as we wrap up by encouraging listeners to start their own DIY projects, regardless of budget constraints. Highlighting influencers like Talon Sai, Mike from Last Line of Defense, and Richard and Ashley Giordano from Desk to Glory, we emphasize the importance of taking action and building your dream adventure. Whether you’re into Jeep mods from Light Bright Nation or van life stories from Linnea, there’s something for every overlanding enthusiast. Tune in next week for more inspiration, tips, and exciting announcements!

Speaker 1:

The Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to Outskirts Overland. It's like week a thousand, I don't even know. So welcome and thanks for being here. Thanks for listening. I appreciate you all.

Speaker 1:

This week. I've got you know, I've got a podcast. I got somebody coming on. Hopefully we'll preface this here. Benji at Newfound Overland and me are going to try and collaborate next Tuesday, I think, so I'm putting it out on air because he'll listen to this potentially, or somebody will talk to him too, but Benji's a friend of mine. We're going to try and get something at the same time next week together. So hopefully that's all going to work out for everybody, but if not, I'm putting it out on here so we can make sure that we make that happen sometime in the near future.

Speaker 1:

Next, I've got a podcast today going on, like kind of one that I always wanted, and I'm going to talk about who I follow Like. Who am I following? Who do I? Who am I watching on YouTube, following on Instagram, what are they doing? Kind of things of that nature, because I don't, I kind of found everybody on my own, but I have been watching. I mean, of course, through 2020 it exploded, but I had quite a few people that I still follow are the ones that are still producing a good amount of content now are ones I followed prior to that. So I kind of wanted to go over who I'm following for inspiration and try and get that list out there on a podcast platform. These other influencers are not talking about another channel necessarily, unless they're collaborating, because they don't want to be promoting another channel page, whatever. I don't really care. So I'm going to go over all of the people that I follow and like in podcast form. There's one hardcover form, things like that. So either way, I'll get through the housekeeping stuff first.

Speaker 1:

If you guys are interested in Onyx Offroad, you can use the code GlobalOverlander236. It'll get you 20% off Onyx Offroad. You can download offline maps. They do color code the trails by difficulty, so I think it's grew green for pretty chill. Blue's, a little worse, red and black. Um, as you, and it's all. The data is already there. You don't have to upload your own data. So it's extremely convenient and that works through apple carplayplay. So it's just, it's just extremely easy to use. So it's what I use, it's what I like, and you can save 20 by using the code global overlander six. So go ahead and knock that out. It helps helps everybody out, really.

Speaker 1:

Secondly, toyota Toyota Trucks of Arkansas. It's a Facebook group with a bunch of cool people. If you want to go meet some cool folks and get involved over there on Facebook, they're all great. If you're in the Midwest, drive a Toyota, go check them out and that'll be about it. If you guys are, you know I got the new Kendas on my truck, the Kenda Cleavers. They're pretty sick, definitely something you guys should be checking out, which leads me into people that I watch. So, fletch at all things Overland he just talked about it. He has a Kenda Cleavers on his uh, newer nissan frontier as well. So I mean, that's two people that are into this lifestyle. On podcasts they're saying that's a fantastic tire and it's it's not extremely expensive either. So sorry, marvin is having a freaking apoplexy here they're not extremely expensive.

Speaker 1:

So, first thing, first thing, fletch at All Things Overland. It's a podcast and a YouTube channel. He's somebody that I do listen to and I do watch. He's been doing it for, you know, prior to 2020. His episodes are a lot shorter. His videos are a lot shorter than my longer form content here, but he's somebody that has been around for a long time. Obviously, I brought up Benji with Newfound Overland, previously Budget Overland, which was a widely successful Podcast and Facebook group Still is a Facebook group, so Two really cool guys have been doing it for a while that are that that I follow also. Uh, overland, the overland journal is a podcast. It's expedition Overland is the YouTube channel and the overland journal is a publication as well. And that's Scott Brady and he's he's a man. I bring him up all the time. He's really been quite an inspiration to myself and been in the Overland space for a long time and I'll go ahead and say it just because everybody I feel like if you're following me, you already know about Expedition Overland, expedition Overland, everybody follows them. You watch some of their older stuff on Amazon. Their newer stuff is on the Overlander Network or XOverland Network, I don't know what it is. It's its own app and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Again, I'm not, I'm just trying to put a a list out here for you guys of uh social media people I follow and I want to get my friends out of the way first and some smaller guys you know, like Fletch and Benji, um, but of course, you know, got Brady's man huge inspiration, um, I would highly recommend going to check out his podcast. He was just in Africa, does anything from adventure bikes to SUVs, trucks to whatever he's kind of just about it, no matter how you do it. So really cool dude. And then I think that that about does it for my podcast listening to and there's a couple other podcasts you know, besides the one you're listening to currently, but podcasts are really kind of scarce, luckily. It's the medium in which I enjoy doing. But definitely check out Newfound Overland and All Things Off-Road there's or excuse me, all things overlanding, um.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so I'm gonna get into youtube and just start start going through some people that I follow and in just a little bit about them. I don't have a list in front of me or anything. I've been watching these people for so freaking long I could just rattle names. But I'm going to start with some of them that are still putting out a pretty consistent amount of content, which leads me to bring up probably first the StoryTelNow. Sean is with the StoryTelNow. He drives a Gladiator but is currently driving an aev prospector xl that he converted they could well he had converted and he's going to um alaska right now with trail recon.

Speaker 1:

Brad at trail recon, who also has a gladiator set up completely different. So sean does a lot of a lot of content off-road. A lot more of the off-road content versus like overlanding camping content, kind of like cooking and camp setup and stuff. A lot more off-roading, a lot of talking, really cool drone footage. But the story till now always has new content out. I think it comes out every monday. Um, you know caveat, he's not necessarily my favorite, but I love that he's consistent. So you're looking for a backlog of content or trying to pick up and find somebody that you can count on to put a video out every week. The story till now is going to do that for you. And if you're way more into off-roading or Jeep content, he's. He's going to be great there. He's taking a long trip right now so you're not going to see that, but if you go back you will talk about brad with trail recon.

Speaker 1:

Trail recon is not only a person, it's a store, it's a brand. Um, brad goes all over place with trail recon. He. He currently has a gladiator, but he has a jeep guy through and through got a bunch of jeeps, gladiators he's I always has been jeep guy. He was a navy, if that matters to anybody. His videos are always there. He does things called sit reps, which are kind of like our coffee. One takes where he does kind of more what I'm doing here and puts it out on YouTube, and he's with Sean with the story till now, right now. So that's actually really interesting where you have two creators collaborating with two totally different styles. A lot of times when you see two creators collaborating, you'll kind of end up watching the same kind of sort of the same video on three or four different channels. I haven't found myself dealing with that with this collaboration with Retail Now and Trail Recon. So anyways, there's two of those.

Speaker 1:

Next I'll talk about Nikki Delventhal. Nikki Delventhal is a girl that I mean man. If you guys went back she's. I think she was a New York Jets cheerleader. She was a model. I've been watching her for ever and not because of that. That's just the backstory. I think she lived in New York. Potentially Maybe she listens. I mean, maybe she'll listen to my podcast. I'd love to have her on she's. She's does the thing. She lived in a Toyota Prius for like three years, four years, and she's now in a, in a Mercedes Benz Sprinter. She has two dogs now she had one dog, but uh, she's been doing vehicular based living for a long time and, uh, I follow her pretty regularly. She also puts out content like clockwork, I think, on Thursday or Friday Friday I believe, actually and she is.

Speaker 1:

If you're a lady out there trying to learn about you know, just, it's a different perspective. You know, guys are wheeling. She has a very nice van and I believe it's got lockers even now, um, but she's not much for wheeling, but I think she used to be a travel guide of some sort. But she's not much for wheeling, but I think she used to be a travel guide of some sort. So she does a lot of like, like, a lot of really like. She's just a really good speaker. So, if you're a female that listens or you're more on the like traveling side of things, she goes to a lot of different places, explains what they are, a little history about them, and does like a really phenomenal job with that dialogue. Does like a really phenomenal job with that dialogue.

Speaker 1:

Um, I followed her for a long time. I followed her pretty, pretty, very early on when she started her channel. It was like living in a Prius, you know as the tagline and you'll see in her older videos, and I just started watching because, uh, I thought that was cool. It's not even an SUV, so and now she's, uh, does a whole lot more and, uh, it's pretty awesome to watch that grow. Um, not that I'm close with her or anything, by any means I feel like I might be cause I've watched her for so many years now but, uh, she puts out content regularly. She lives out of a van with her two dogs and, quite frankly, doesn't really ever stray from that. She lives in her van, like it's what she does. There's no like home, a van's home.

Speaker 1:

So another one that I watch a lot, which leads me into the next female which is a lot less organized, on the other side of the spectrum, and content is not is not necessarily consistent, but it's there and that is roaming, reckless. And that's maria and she drives a, uh, land rover defender like an old military land right hand drive, diesel, six shift. She previously lived in outback, so I've been following her. She's always doing the 50 state road trip, um, but she's she's. You know the the she's the hot mess express of solo female overlanding as two dogs. But Nikki's got it kind of figured out if you want to learn a lot of stuff. Whether Maria wants to be or not, or maybe she does, she's entertaining, she's funny. Whether it's on purpose or not, she's funny, it's a good time. Again, those are two females Now as far as males and families.

Speaker 1:

So I do follow Dirt Lifestyle, nate at Dirt Lifestyle, and he does a wide array of things from builds, so Dirt Lifestyle YouTube channel. So he does different builds. He builds his own rigs, modifies his own rigs, does some overlanding, does some rock crawling. Right now he's building a shop. He's a very diverse, just for anybody interested in like fabricating, welding different builds. He's always building something different. Um, overlanding, snow wheeling he's like really big into snow wheeling and and he's probably got the best snow wheeling content in my opinion, which is kind of fun to watch. That's not something that I get to partake in much here in missouri, so it's interesting. When I lived in lake tahoe it was extremely popular. I haven't lived there for quite some time now, so I kind of get that kind of scratches the itch for me to watch him do a little bit of that, and sean, with the story till now, also does quite. Um.

Speaker 1:

Then families I watched the epic family road trip. I've talked about them before. They are kind of going through a unique transition right now. Where they were, the whole family was together and they're kind of they're all going to separate ways. Their kids are adults now. I mean their kids there they're kind of parting ways. So just Carol and Pete the Pete senior parents are doing their own thing and they have a Ross monster full-size Ford, have a Ross monster full-size Ford, not like a big earth roamer, but with that. They also have two jeeps though too, and they on them and they've they've got a lot of back content too. I think eight years they've been doing it. They've been doing it eight years and they were in a like a winnebago style rv prior to the jeeps and then into one jeep to two jeeps, jeep trailer to jeep at the truck and the two jeeps. They do a lot of stuff and they collaborate with other channels as well, but epic family road trip is a is one that I enjoy watching. You know, just dynamic is a little different than other channels, and lifestyle overland is also a family they had they actually it's not a new. They don't have a newborn now, but they recently just had a young one and they have a daughter that's, I think, eight or nine.

Speaker 1:

Lifestyle Overland is a cool place to go. They've been doing it since their oldest daughter was young and it's a husband and a wife and sometimes they take two vehicles and sometimes they take one vehicle but it's also just another family. So if you're looking to get into this with your family, I find it's nice to find channels like that to kind of get ideas on how to do it with kids, because not that we can't all trial and error it because we can, but it is nice to see somebody that's doing it and get a few ideas, because they're kind of living the struggles. Um, so I do lean on lifestyle overland a lot for that kind of stuff like how do they entertain their kids? What kind of fun stuff does it seem like like to do or helps them with their kids? Lifestyle overland is another one that I quite enjoy. They do anything from woman only like the mom does strips, the husband does strips I take the oldest or a good variety as well. So that's also good. They got a good variety of content. They also collaborate with other channels as well at times, you know when they go to events like. So lifestyle overland is one that I follow. There's some definitely some newer ones that I'll get into at the end and even kind of more local to me here. That's that, I think, is doing awesome things now, but just kind of going over my basics.

Speaker 1:

Hunter Pauly he is a younger male that goes alone pretty much. I don't know that I've ever seen him go within his truck with anybody else, but he's a solo man that goes. He does a lot of amsr stuff. So he and and I've spoken to him, you know, a few different times he's probably closer to me in age, you know, uh, early late 20s, early 30s, and he has a tacoma as well, but he goes a lot. So Hunter Pauly, he he's not necessarily the most regular on content on YouTube to watch but, uh, on Instagram he's pretty active. He does put out content pretty regularly on YouTube, though, to be clear. So Hunter Pauly which leads me right into somebody as similar to him as Keegan Jasper, who's actually pretty freaking new on YouTube and Instagram and he's actually just a really good filmmaker. But Keegan Jasper has a lot of interesting like mental health, you know, content, men's mental health, mental health content outdoor enthusiast mental health content on Instagram. He does have a YouTube channel and it's so, you know, also very um kind of follows the same suit. So Keegan Jasper is another good one to watch. Him and Hunter I find are very interchangeably watchable. They're very similar.

Speaker 1:

Keegan or into mental health, keegan's the way to go. If you're probably more into like fitness and some cooking, you might want to go the way of Hunter. Hunter does some cool. What am I thinking? Yeah, dutch oven cooking. So he does a lot of Dutch oven cooking. It's really cool. A lot more like Kind of just talking, you know, more like my video or my podcast last week, like touching on subjects, his personal opinion, a little deeper stuff, not necessarily just you know what's.

Speaker 1:

And then I'll get into Venture to Rome. Venture to Rome is another channel. It's pretty heavily Jeep based as well. It's somewhat newer. No, I wouldn't say it's new, but somewhat newer. Venture to Rome they do stuff with family. They're Idaho based. They did the Idaho BDR. So if you're interested in a BDR content which is back country discovery route, venture to Rome has done that, which is backcountry discovery route. Venture to Rome has done that. They're in the Idaho area Boise I believe and they do almost only overlanding. There's very little off-roading on Venture to Rome, which might be something for some people too. There's a lot of off-roading. A lot of people went from off-roading to overlanding and vice versa. Um, when you watch a channel like venture to Rome, it's it's overlanding pretty predominantly. There's some wheeling, but I mean, it's not I, I don't know that I've ever seen anybody get stuck on that channel necessarily Doesn't mean that a Well, I have before once when they were in some nasty clay mud stuff but nothing. They're not flipping trucks and breaking stuff. He does a lot of content on rooftop tents, so if you're a rooftop tent person, he's a big rooftop tent guy. Will? It's been a long time. Then I'll get into some of my international people.

Speaker 1:

Dirt Sunrise is an old school overlanding couple. Um, it's tim and kelsey. I think. It's called salty sunrise now because they're now they're now on a sailboat, they're living on a sailboat, but they previously have had a few different rigs down the pan-american highway. You know they've been all over the world really and that was dirt sunrise, I think. If you were to search it you'll find it. But it's salty sunrise currently. But they lived on a. They live on a sailboat currently and they have they. They are like og overlanding youtube, so so you'll find some six, seven, eight year old videos with them.

Speaker 1:

A newer couple that's doing the Pan American Highway would be Toyota World Runners. Now, I always almost say Toyota 4 Runners, but it's Toyota World Runners. I've followed them since they started. They're also a Canadian-based couple, but they just just just finished the Pan American Highway from Canada down to Ushuaia, argentina. They still have yet to make it to Tuktuk Tuktuk, arctic Ocean, alaska, but I'm sure they will be doing that. They just made the much larger trip, made the much larger trip and they have a really cool thing where they took a land cruiser frame and put it under a toyota chinook camper, like an 80s, 70s or 80s toyota chinook camper. They built it themselves. It's pretty cool. 35s or 37s, it's really cool. It's just cool. They got a build series on it, um. But they've got a lot of content that I really enjoyed their content when they were doing, you know, weekend, long weekend trips too. So they're great. They're one of my favorites, for sure, um, and they're kind of like. They got some really long videos and some good. They're now too, um.

Speaker 1:

But then you know you can't, dan grek. You know you can't, dan Grek. You know the road chose me. He's another one, you know he's an OG. He's done an American highway in a Jeep with a tent. He's got books out there. You know the road chose me volume one, two, three and four.

Speaker 1:

He's done Australia, africa, pan American. He's Canadian based but the Road Chose Me. It's again. He's more of like he has books out now. He's not and I don't think he's that old, but he has books out now. But he also he's like more from the time of blogs, like I think he was a blog previously, but he has YouTube too and there's all kinds of information there and almost you are not going to find very many you know big time expedition folks that don't know who Dan Gregg is or probably don't reference him at some. There's a lot of really good content out there from him and he has a YouTube channel and it's there's just a lot there that could be beneficial for anybody.

Speaker 1:

You know, if you don't have a chance to get to these expos and see some of this stuff in person outside of show vehicles, some of these YouTubers are a good place to go and that's what I've relied on him for, like what do I want to do Then? I um so place to go and that's what I've relied on him for, like, what do I want to do then? I um so I mean, he's a great one and he's a. He's a global overlander as well, like shipping vehicles and customs and different things. Some of these people are for that and if you're looking to overland outside the us, that's really, really useful information, like fixers and what, how to take copies of your IDs and your passports and your insurance but don't ever take originals and different things like that and what you know. What are the tips and tricks that you need to get through each, each of these borders and things like that. So that's good information If you're looking to do that stuff. Um it fantastic information.

Speaker 1:

Some of the newer people I was talking about, I was like, ah, there's some newer folks out there that I really like. Johnny taco outdoors. He's a newer guy, so some of the content's not quite as polished as some of the others, but he's real consistent Videos come out on Sunday. He's real consistent Videos come out on Sunday. He's real consistent. And he just did a collab with White Dog Overland, who's another person that I would highly recommend. White Dog Overland, arizona-based. He's a cool guy too, and those two guys. I enjoy watching some of these channels evolve, so I like both those guys. Baker Overland is an Arkansas-based overlanding channel and I have met Caleb myself multiple times. He's friends with Benji and he's got content out there, some really good content. He doesn't have a whole huge Rolodex of it, but what he does have out there is extremely good quality. If you're into the cinematic side of things and storytelling, he's fantastic.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to think who else I follow. That's, I think I just started. Let me grab my phone. I just started following a couple and I go back a lot. I follow Primal Outdoors, which is a guy that lives in a Econo van or used to live in an Econo van. He's not so active anymore but he used to be one of my favorites. I mean there's a lot of people that have come and gone that I've watched religiously, but I just started watching a couple.

Speaker 1:

That is Australian-based, for sure, but they. To me it's interesting because I like the international travel side of things. We Will Roam, we Will Roam. Like the international travel side of things, we will roam, we will roam. They've got a looks like a 79 76 series troop relink in Australia overlanding all over the place there a lot of fun cinematic stuff to you. My daughter really likes a channel called destined for wild. It's a of their husband and wife, her boyfriend and girlfriend, also International Overlanders Wild man. I'm trying to think I got so many, I got so many. But I always am like who's got a podcast about this or a blog article about that? Because I can never find enough. Um, people off the grind. Is bronco content? He has a bronco, so he overlands has a bronco. Does some build stuff on the bronco, common issues with the bronco, how he's fixed them, different rooftop tents, great, great for that stuff.

Speaker 1:

Independence Overland I can't believe I almost forgot Tyler Independence Overland. He is currently. He lives in Colorado. He goes all over, though he was in Missouri previously. He's got an FJ. I think he's going to get a Trailhunter Tacoma, if he doesn't already, and build that out as well. But he has a FJ Cruiser. You know the the earlier the mid-2000s one and uh, him and his wife and dog do a lot of, do a lot of overlanding all over the place. He actually still has a day job so his content's just you know kind of when he can do it. But Independence Overland is a great channel. It's grown quite a bit lately as well and I do really enjoy watching him and try to eat up as much of his content as I can. I really really enjoy his stuff and I think you know I watch very popular.

Speaker 1:

Talon Sai is extremely popular. I don't know that I really need to explain Talon Sai. He's a YouTube OG, not just overlanding, just YouTube. Last line of defense Mike. He's overlanding now Sounds like he might not be, but last line of defense is Mike YouTube OG, just a freak OG, just a free OG.

Speaker 1:

Desk to Glory that is Richard and Ashley Giordano, but they're with Expedition Overland a lot, but it's Desk to Glory and they have a YouTube channel as well. If you were to search their names or Desk to Glory, you'll find a lot of content by them. They are behind the scenes of a lot of other big overlanding productions podcasts, publications, whether it's videoing, creating content but they're huge in the overlanding space space, so you'll hear their names if you start listening to more stuff. And then found, for nowhere, another couple that lives out of a truck. They just built a new tundra with a four-wheel camper flatbed there. I mean, I watch them all the time too and they're a married couple that just live in it.

Speaker 1:

Bound for Nowhere and I think Desk to Glory and Bound for Nowhere. Both did many series with X Overland, whether that's on X Overland's channel or not. So there's some newer content by them too that you could you could pick up on, but those are more storytellers, not so much DIYing. Some of the others I've explained are way more of that. Classy's Garage he's a Tacoma guy, he. He's always doing DIY videos on his Tacoma. You know I enjoy that a lot. There's a lot of Jeep channels that do Jeep content Light, bright Nation, now Epic Adventure or Epic what is it? Epic Adventure mods is a big Jeep shop in Canada. They do a lot of stuff with a lot many different, which I'm sure somebody that freaking listens to me is energy by the most popular off-road.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going through my list here see if I can. I can find anybody that, um, that I'm missing out on because I here to see if I can find anybody that I'm missing out on Because I want to try and cover a large basis. I feel like a lot of people that are into overlanding are also to some extent probably into off-grid living, homesteading, things like that. So there's Linnea and Akilah Linnea is a woman, lives in her ProMaster van. Her dog is Ak akila. She actually just bought a raw piece of land so now she's doing. You know, she lives in a van, she lives van life, she overlands, she fishes and hunts and does all the stuff. But she also does like pottery and planning and is a wood stove in her van and lives off grid all winter somewhere. But she also bought a piece of raw land. So there's putting a well in what's that look like. I'm sure there'll be more on that. So hopefully I brought you know there's.

Speaker 1:

I just follow a ton of people, try to get a lot of inspiration. I am not necessarily the most lazy individual in the world, but I don't sleep a whole lot. I think I've mentioned that before. So I try to, you know, micro learn through some of these channels what they got going on. I try to take bits and pieces from everybody but if nothing else, that'll get everybody a good start on what I'm watching, who to watch, what you can maybe take in. You know whether it's international overlanding, weekend overlanding, overlanding, rock crawling more, jeep, toyota, like there's all kinds of freaking people out there and by watching some of these channels it's going to start to recommend the algorithms, going to recommend more similar stuff for you.

Speaker 1:

I got a lot of buy-in from my family from YouTube. Honestly, like, sit my kids down and watch a little bit of it. You know, once they see it's not all just wheeling and camping. My kids can see people. You know they drove to the beach and now they're on the beach doing whatever. They're just sleeping in their truck at night, like once I once, once it turned into you know I'm not the best to take a picture, so my kids could only see what I was doing without them through pictures and videos, which I'm only taking, videos and pictures like crazy obstacles. But once I started to get them to watch a little bit of the YouTube with me and buy into some of the stories, they started to see like what it could be with them, included with a female, included with your kids, included with a dog, without a dog. You know how, how you could make it all kind of you can cook good out there.

Speaker 1:

Like everybody's got a different idea of what camping and camping is or overlanding is. Whenever they can't, you can't put something in front of them and be like no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you have a misconception. Here's here's a video that you can watch for 10 minutes. This is what I do. You know, that's helped me a lot. Getting buy-in from not only my kids, because you say, camping in every cartoon and show when they're little is like a tent out in the woods and like I'm living a lot better than that. When we go out there it's a lot different. Like I can cook a pizza, like we could do. I mean, we're just going out in the woods to live our life pretty similarly to what we would be doing at home.

Speaker 1:

So a lot of these YouTube channels if you're somebody out there again, predominantly males watch, but I don't think that there's like there's a lot of females on YouTube and females that go with males and females that live solo and there's a lot of good information on like hygiene and I think that's a big, a big one. For females is like hygiene, like how am I going to go to the bathroom? How am I going to wash, shower, make up water? Like those are huge things. Like hygiene, feminine hygiene is a big deal and and and that goes like hand in hand with kids too. Like how are you going to occupy your kids. What can you do? What are some games? What do these people do? Do they bring tablets out there? Some of them actually do, and they got Starlink and they got like there's a different flavor for everybody. Like some people's kids are helping them build fires and cook and teaching them how to do that stuff. Other people, you know, kind of just live more like we do here at home.

Speaker 1:

So I think it's a great, a great place to kind of not only get ideas, but if you're someone that's like my kids will never like come in, my wife or girlfriend will never like come in, or you can kind of show them like it's not. It's maybe not what you think it is. It can be what you think it is and you wouldn't enjoy that, but we can make it something you would enjoy too. That's why I bring this up and want to have this podcast out there, because I have not found a podcast out there doing this. And man, the amount of YouTube will probably tell me how many hours of YouTube I've consumed, but it's a lot.

Speaker 1:

I've been watching YouTube since 2006 as probably my primary source of stuff to watch Because, like I said earlier, I was in the military, so you don't really invest in cable when you're over half the year, so when I'd come home I just watched YouTube like whatever that was at the time Funny stuff, whatever. But as it's evolved to more like channels of things and hobbies and you can kind of find your own flavor or whatever on YouTube search engine. You know, an overlanding I definitely like doing get a lot of ideas. You know, different companies have YouTube channels for marketing purposes and stuff. Lots of channels do walkthroughs of expos and stuff. All, almost all the channels I brought up do that and stuff. Almost all the channels I brought up do that. So hopefully that gets you.

Speaker 1:

It's a shorter one this week but I wanted to get a bunch of that out there because that's something that I three years ago, four years ago, five years ago I don't think that all these channels existed then, but had they all existed, that's something I wish somebody would have brought to me. All these channels have Instagrams too, so, and tiktoks most of them, and they're all linked through their youtube. I'm just bringing up channels, but there's a lot of really cool stuff out there that might you know and and you're gonna see that some of these channels have evolved from like hardcore off-roading and you know to or overlanding, or a hybrid or vice versa, or you know kind of soft roading, you know. But there's a lot of similarities comms, tires, suspensions, setups, you know conveniences where do you shower? What do you do if this happens? What do you do if that happens? Lots of redundancy there. That'll help you kind of disseminate what'll work for you or what you maybe want to work for you.

Speaker 1:

Or even if you previously watch a video and you're in a new relationship or now you're going solo a lot, or you're a female going solo or a male going solo I provided channels for both of those scenarios you go with your dogs. For both of those scenarios, you go with your dogs, you can watch somebody else and maybe you're in a transition right now and you're looking for somebody else. That's kind of doing the flavor that you're wanting to get into versus what you're currently doing and you're a little bored with what you're doing. There's some inspiration out there for all the different types that you'd be going after Longer, shorter, shorter, way more minimal, way more maximal. All of those things are out there and I just want to kind of get a few drop a few names and some descriptions of some people. Hopefully you guys take off watching some of it tonight, but, uh, it's gonna be a short one tonight. That's all I got for today.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna try and get on with benji next week with Newfound Overland. Again, I'm talking without talking to Benji, but I'm going to go ahead and say I think we're going to try and get it out to both our things, potentially at once at one time, so you'll be able to watch it on my channel and potentially his channel, maybe, okay, at one time, so you'll be able to watch on my channel and potentially his channel, maybe. Okay, let's put it out there, because I, because I kind of want to figure that out, and if I don't say it out loud, I'm going to be like, ah, whatever, like well, just whatever. But we're, I think, with this, we're going to try and do um, if not next week, I'll get it soon me and him will collaborate on something. We've been talking about it, I mean, since before either. Well, since before I had this one and before he started his new one. So we gotta get something going there.

Speaker 1:

Either way, you guys have a great rest of your week, enjoy the hot weather and, uh, hopefully some of this helps you guys find some new stuff, get inspired. That's obviously all I want to do ever is inspire you guys to get out, get after it, start building, pick up a wrench, start making your own setup. You know, grab a cordless drill and a saw and get to work, you know, so you can go. Go start living the life. It's not all thousands and millions of dollars, and hopefully some of these people can just do the same. That's not all thousands and millions of dollars, and hopefully some of these people can just do the same. That's all I would hope is that they can help inspire you through a visual medium that I do through an audio medium. So, either way, have a good one, guys, and I will be here next week, hopefully with a lot more fun. I'll talk to you guys later.