Outskirts Overland Podcast

Random Ramblings

Charlie Racinowski Season 1 Episode 20

Adventure awaits at every turn! What happens when you face closed gates, unpredictable weather, and over 200 miles of off-road challenges? Join us on Outskirts Overland as we recount our exhilarating journey through the Buffalo River with friends. This episode is packed with tales of tackling the Ozarks' rugged terrain, making the most of offline maps, and navigating natural obstacles. We also discuss essential preparations for peak overlanding season, from protecting yourself against mosquitoes and ticks to managing moisture in the wild.

Ever wondered how a spontaneous Fourth of July camping trip could turn into an unforgettable adventure? Tune in as we share laughs and lessons from our trip with Johnny, Allie, and Corey. With no set plans and the unpredictability of nature, we faced heat, mud, and unexpected detours head-on. Hear about our truck setup evaluations, the joy of freeze-dried biscuits and gravy, and how a positive attitude and flexibility can make all the difference. This segment is a testament to the camaraderie and shared experiences that define true outdoor adventures.

Finally, let’s celebrate the excitement of a new Tacoma owner setting up his first rooftop tent. We share the enthusiasm and key tips for anyone new to overlanding, including gear essentials and the importance of staying hydrated. From recent trips to future plans, we encourage you to break free from the digital world and embrace the great outdoors. Whether you're camping, kayaking, or just enjoying a sunset, the message is clear: don't let life pass you by. Stay consistent, enjoy the longer summer days, and make the most of every opportunity to connect with nature.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to Outskirts Overland this week. I'm just going to be BSing, just talking. I went out this weekend. I'll probably talk a little bit about that and just general whatever's going on comes to mind. They offer offline maps and you can download them ahead of time and then every time you're in the area you'll have that offline map accessible to track, to put in your camping spots, whatever. If that's something that you are interested in, use the code GLOBALOVERLAND236. And if you're watching, I'm putting it across the bottom That'll save you 20% on OnX Off-Road, whichever tier you want to go with, it'll save you 20% off. So go ahead and use that code, all right.

Speaker 1:

Secondly, toyota trucks of Arkansas. They uh, bought a good people over there. If you're in the Midwest area and you're a Toyota enthusiast, toyota trucks of Arkansas is a great group to be in. It's a group I'm in. I'm I wouldn't say I'm the most active, but the group is active and it's very positive and very helpful. So if you are on Facebook and you're in the Midwest and you drive a Toyota, there's a few barriers to entry there Go ahead and try Toyota Trucks of Arkansas Great people over there.

Speaker 1:

So I guess what I'll get into today as I kind of just go through, you know, whatever's going on the Overland space. It's the season to be going, so it's a little bit slower. I'm not seeing a lot of new gear. I'm not seeing a lot of, you know, new groundbreaking things. A lot of that's out already. The expos are going on, events are coming up. Big Iron Rideau, overland of America Overland Summit just happened in Kentucky. There's a lot of events going on, but I mean it's really the season to be doing it. So my content during this time is going to probably just be a little bit more of like, hey, like what's current weather, current conditions, current things, what's going on? Mosquitoes, ticks, you know moisture control, you know whatever fires, stuff like that, just because that's relevant to going out right now and it's the time to be going out. Now is the time to be going out. There's, you know, the severe weather. Quote unquote, I knock on wood. The severe weather, you know it's. We're out of spring, we're not in fall, it's not cold, it's not snowing, it's not icing, everything's open. You know the conservation department and forest service and everybody else, they like to close stuff in the winter. So everything's open. It's free rain Now it's time to be going Go, go, go, go, go, get out, go, go camping, go overlanding, go exploring, go hiking, go, whatever.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, I went out this weekend, took a little bit of a trip, um, and met up with a friend of mine, johnny, who I've talked about before and his wife, and later on met up with a guy named Corey Blindspot Adventures on Instagram and everything else. He took some pictures and videos. So really appreciate anybody that ever comes with us that does that, because I suck at documenting anything I'm doing, and he got some cool videos and pictures and that's awesome and I always welcome people with that type of talent. I'm just a talker, so I don't have those type of talent. I'm just a talker, so I I don't have those types of skills. I tried to, but it always just comes out kind of like half as good as like somebody like Corey could do. So he's got some cool videos of us doing doing stuff and himself and.

Speaker 1:

But we, we went out and we had the goal of checking out a new camp spot, which we did check out along the Buffalo river and it was freaking awesome. So I would assume I'll be on back to that one at some point. I love the freaking Buffalo River guys. I've said it like a thousand times, but it was fantastic. It was met with a few obstacles. You know, nothing ever goes to plan, so it's never perfect. So it took us a little longer than probably we would have liked it to get to that camp. Um, there was a couple connecting trails that had gates closed and stuff so, but it happens no big deal. That's why you have onyx, so you can find your way around, um, so we went camped, had a good time, uh, you know, really just sat around fire and hung out until we went to sleep. Nothing crazy, not a freaking party by any means.

Speaker 1:

Then the next morning we had the goal of scouting. That's when we met up with Corey and we went and scouted a couple of I don't know more or less moderate areas, trying to figure it out, a lot of stuff that we thought was one thing. It kind of turned out to not be that way and either way, we put in quite a few miles. I don't know, somewhere between, I don't know somewhere on the other side of 200 miles in the Ozarks, um, not on the road. So probably 200 off-road miles this past weekend I'd say between Friday and Saturday and Sunday getting out, um, so it was a pretty good weekend. I enjoy scouting and just checking stuff out and seeing. You know, seeing what the terrain is, what the water is doing, how it's affecting it, how people that have been doing the trails prior to weather and post weather has affected the trail conditions. You know everything around it. It was real pretty. It was great. I loved it.

Speaker 1:

Um, you always, you always wish you have like another day or two, like it's never enough. I I've never been on a trip where I came home and was like, ah, that was a good amount. I don't know, maybe I got a. I don't know. I don't know, maybe that's just me. I'm never really in a place where I'm like, ah, I'm ready to go home, ever. And again, if you guys listen to this and you live off grid in your car, overlanding, traveling, whatever, that's, that's different. I'm not. I have in my house right now, I have a house, so I I'm rarely gone longer than 10, very rarely gone longer than 10 days, um, and rarely gone longer than three. So you know it's. I'm always wanting a little bit more, but the water was cool, the weather was hot.

Speaker 1:

Um, we've got to use the winch a little bit. So, recovery gear you know it's always nice to use recovery gear, not because you got somebody got stuck, but because you spend all this money on this recovery gear and this training and everything. It's nice to at least, you know, use it and be like, okay, yeah, I did need to have that thing, you know. So we got, we got a little use of recovery year, um, I think. Um, everybody got to use their nerves, tested out their nervous system a little bit.

Speaker 1:

This, uh, this last weekend we did some stuff that was uh, that was sketchy in one way or another for everybody, whether it was really really tight or really really deep or really really steep or really really off camber or bouncing off skid plates or hung up. I mean we did a lot. I wouldn't say we went crazy, we didn't do anything hardcore, but definitely there was obstacles, whichever way you want to look at it, whether it was mud or water or rocks or camber or off camber or tight. I mean I had an issue with a tight trail myself. Yeah, johnny just commented he's watching unexpected mud holes. Yeah, so, johnny, kind of I don't want to say too much about our trip, you know cause we are scouting for a later trip.

Speaker 1:

So it was me and Johnny, but there's other people that are going to go on the trip with us later. So it was me and Johnny, but there's other people that are going to go on the trip with us later. And I don't want to say too much about mine and Johnny's experience, because our experience should make everyone else's experience less, um, drastic than than mine. And it is because we were, we were scouting, so it's like the first guy going into the unknown, and we had first guy going into the unknown problems, and I think he could attest to that as well. So I think I said it to the group of guys that will be going on the trip with us. Me and Johnny adventured really hard and found out some of our stuff wasn't quite as adventure ready as we had thought. So I will just leave it there. I'm not gonna talk too much more about what happened on that trip other than the, uh, high points, because the low points won't be a factor later, because we already we lived those for everyone else this weekend. So which, fortunately and unfortunately, you know, like a little bit. So we'll know, we'll know better, um, anyways, so it was a good time. I had a really good time.

Speaker 1:

I always love getting out with, uh, with people that really enjoy being out, um, and that definitely is Johnny and Allie. So they, they, they like being out. So it's not, like, you know, there's and I and I'd say this is something and I'm not talking about any of my other friends either, just this is just based off you know, what's recent to me, and that was going with Johnny and Allie, but it's nice going with people and Corey and we went to Corey one night and Corey was with us and and and I just met Corey that a couple of days ago when he went camp with us but it's nice going with people that like to go. You know, even when it's hot, even when it's muddy, even when it's nasty, like the, there's no complaining. You know, everybody's really just excited to be there.

Speaker 1:

Um, and I really do think that's one thing, that's like one attitude that everybody should be striving to have with them. Like I was never like this sucks or it's too hot, or I wish that all this mud was like. We just did it. It was fun. Like you know, I had a great time. I, I truly I had a lot of fun and it was, I mean, I had blast, so that's that's all I can say about it. Like I I got nothing bad to say about it. We got rerouted I mean anything that could probably outside of like catastrophic vehicle failure, flipping a car or whatever. I mean a lot of stuff went wrong, um, but I had blast either way. So it was a really, really good time. I think we all spent a lot of time at a car wash afterwards, uh for sure, um, but it was a great time, I'd say.

Speaker 1:

I'd say, try to get people in harness that. That, that harness the, uh, the mental attitude of like you know, this is just fun, like we're having fun, and if you're not having fun anymore, just don't be doing it. So I really enjoy um going out with my friends, cause I feel like everybody, like everybody's just really happy to be out there. So, and that's how I am too, you know, I I didn't go down there with any plan. I never have a plan. I think a plan takes away from the you know the adventure, cause then you're kind of like I missed out on this thing, I planned. I kind of like it where it's like, oh, I got to experience this new thing, instead of oh, I didn't get to do this thing, I wanted to do so cause, I mean, when you're going out in public land, like it's public, somebody else might be hell, somebody else might be trying to do what you were doing, might be taken, might be like you got to have the mindset of like, well, let's go find another thing, venture spot place. Like you know, I I've never been with people that are on, uh like drive driver fatigue. I mean we'll, we'll drive.

Speaker 1:

At one point, um, we were looking for a spot that was taken. We drove another hour and a half, I think, in the Ozarks to go to our spot on Saturday night, which wasn't perfectly ideal, but it still put us by a Creek. It was. I mean, we all got to go, you know, do our thing wash some clothes, biodegradable soap and ourselves and cool off a little bit and cooked a meal and chit chat. It was great. It it had a fire. It was awesome, like, even though it wasn't what we had. You know what we were kind of.

Speaker 1:

We scouted the trail to find an end. That was a campsite. That campsite was just taken. Um, the trail was definitely not, nobody was on the trail but us. Um, but the camp spot was taken and it wasn't. You didn't have to take the trail to get there, so it was accessible to others, but it was taken and it wasn't. You didn't have to take the trail to get there, so it was accessible to others, but it was taken. So we just went somewhere else. We still scouted the old trail. It was great. So we had a good time. Um, so yeah, I uh, I mean, it was blast. It was a blast.

Speaker 1:

I mean this is probably one of the first trips where I was like, um, I don't know, I really found some weaknesses in my truck that I didn't know I had. As far as my setup is concerned, majorly it was very dusty and I got to figure something out to dustproof the bed of my truck, even with a shell, and it all closed. It was bad dusty, it was wicked bad dusty. Luckily, I got a snorkel and onboard air so I could blow everything out and it was okay. But man, it was. There was mud and dust, and that's always just man, it was just nasty, um, but, but nonetheless, that's going to happen on the exterior. The bigger thing was, I got to figure out how to. I got to seal that tailgate up. It was obnoxious.

Speaker 1:

I only ate freeze-dried meals. Johnny cooked. One night I had a Dutch oven, which was delicious, but other than that I just ate freeze-dried meals, which was fine, which was good, and I always liked that. I get the peak 12 meals and they're freaking great, as usual. I got biscuits and gravy slays, dude, if you guys ever biscuits and gravy with from peak so good, so freaking good, so good. Biscuits and gravy, like I'd eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's so good, it's like the best meal ever. Uh, but anyways, nonetheless, none, it doesn't matter right now. Get it, try it, do it whatever you want to do. But yeah, everybody had water.

Speaker 1:

We didn't have any real issues. Nobody, nobody broke you know to where we couldn't continue, definitely, definitely no major mechanical or malfunctions or anything. Everybody's tires held up, I'd say from this trip we all three had different tires and I'd say all our tires did really well. So, uh, corey has KM threes, I have Ken to Cleaver RTs and Johnny has Geolander MTs and, uh, all 10 ply and all our tires performed well this weekend specifically, um, I would say I wouldn't have wanted like an all-terrain. Actually, this weekend there was some mud and I was happy that we all were equipped the way we were. My tires did great and they were the least aggressive of the three, but they still are RTs, so I was really happy with that. Corey has a 4Runner, a 5th Gen 4Runner, johnny has a 5th Gen 4Runner and then I have a 3rd Gen Tacoma. Just in case anybody News watching, I picked up some new people. I've gotten a lot of messages, so thank you guys as well. Again, go back and listen to the backlog, because I'll talk about the or I'll reference things here that I've already I've already talked about in depth. So go ahead and go back and give it a give it a whirl. But yeah, it was a good time, I really enjoyed it, and I wanted to talk a little bit today about freaking.

Speaker 1:

4th of July's coming and I don't know if 4th of July is a real popular holiday to go camping or not. I will be. It's on a Thursday, so I mean I took off Friday, so I'll get Thursday, friday, saturday and Sunday, so that's always whenever that falls with the availability for me to go camping. That's a beautiful thing. Memorial Day, labor Day, whatever you know is beautiful, so I'll be going camping, um, but I think that's typically like a party holiday, like people get together. So I'm interested to get out and see what kind of uh, what kind of fireworks I'll see out in the, in the back country, and see what kind of what's going on. I'm thinking I might see a little bit of a different crowd than I'm used to out there on the river, on the lake. You know, camping might be a little unique. So I'm I'm pretty excited about that.

Speaker 1:

I think that'll be a new experience for me. That's something I've never done. I've never went camping on the 4th of July. It's usually I'm usually uh, tied down to something else, but given that it's a Thursday, I mean it a lot. Most people are working Friday. I'm not. I took off. So it'll be great. I'm really excited about it. So I'll be going out on 4th of July, so I'm excited about that and that's going to be a blast, I think.

Speaker 1:

So I'll probably make something, something cool. You know, take some America cupcakes or something, because America, right Like duh, I'll take something. Uh, definitely, um, definitely going to probably have some type of belligerent cut-off sleeve flannel just for the, you know when, in Rome. Obviously you need that American. You know that American flag button-up, cut-off sleeve, because 4th of July, obviously, you know. If you went, if you went camping on Christmas, I would hope you wear, you know, a reindeer shirt, so I'll be dressed for the part.

Speaker 1:

So, if any, if I see any of you guys out there, uh, specifically, I will be back in those arcs, um of Arkansas, those arcs of Arkansas. But, uh, if anybody sees me, let me know that you listen to my stuff and be happy to sit down, chat with you, talk, you talk, whatever. Flag me down. I'm pretty recognizable, honestly. Um, even amongst all the rigs, I see my, that mine's pretty specifically looks like me. There's not a whole lot like mine. So if you see me, yeah, give me a shout at me. Whatever, comment on the comment on the, uh, my, my instagram outskirtsoverland or YouTube video on this, whatever, I usually will get service at some point while I'm driving around and I'll comment back. Maybe we can link up, see what we can do, maybe get breakfast at O-Ark or something one day. It'd be nice to meet some of you guys.

Speaker 1:

I've had a lot of people. I put a bunch of stuff on Facebook Marketplace recently just selling out of my garage stuff I don't use anymore. I've upgraded or just bought something different that I like better. And I've gotten quite a few messages of people that aren't interested in buying my stuff but they're like hey, man, you're the guy I saw you do the. I listen to your podcast. That's super cool. Thanks guys.

Speaker 1:

Um, I did just sell my old rooftop tent Actually the one in the background here. I just sold it. 19 freaking people, guys, 19 people were coming to see 19 freaking people on that rooftop tent. I don't know if that's just Missouri or what, but man, it was a, it was ordeal. So it's sold now. Cool, I'm super happy.

Speaker 1:

It'll be the guy that bought it. It'll be his first, uh, rooftop tent and he's got a Tacoma. Um, those of you that know me, no, I'm really really, really, really thrilled when people are getting into it. So I'm really happy for him. So I, he'll love it. It's a. It's beyond an awesome first tent. I mean, it wasn't my first tent. It's a great, great, great tent. So he'll be thrilled with that. Um, so I'll be happy to see him maybe get out there a little bit. You know everybody starts somewhere, so pretty psyched on that. It'll be good for him. So that that sold. Um, but yeah, just, I don't really have much. I mean it. Like I said, it's the season to be going.

Speaker 1:

Make sure you got your thermosel, make sure you're loaded up with that for the mosquitoes. Take your bug spray, your tick spray, you know, because they're out there. I mean, I pulled ticks off of me. None of them bit me specifically, but pulled them off of me crawling. They're out. So I mean, just be ready.

Speaker 1:

I talked about permethrin in earlier weeks. Permethrin is something you can spray on clothing. It's too hot right now to be wearing pants, but if you had pants it'd probably help. You can spray it on your shoes, though, or even your socks, because a lot of times they come on your legs. Spray it on your shorts, something like that. It'll help you out with those ticks. There's definitely ticks, it's definitely hot. Make sure you bring an extra, you know, garments, at least a set, or wearing stuff that's really quick to dry, you know, because it is you're sweating, it's hot. It's hot right now.

Speaker 1:

I took a lot of water. I took I probably went through three gallons of water in two days. It was hot, it was hot for sure. I mean, I don't even know. You can ask Johnny, probably six monsters, something like that. I drink so many energy drinks it's a joke with us, but I drank so many monsters it's ridiculous. But uh, that's just what I like and we move on all with life. So it was good. I got the recovery ones. You know they got electrolytes right, health, recovery ones. You know they got electrolytes right, health, health. But uh, it was good. I had a blast man.

Speaker 1:

I hope so much that some of you guys listening to this don't live vicariously through me that you guys just get out. It's so much fun. I can't tell you guys I was watching a uh, a guy that I'd never seen him before yesterday on uh YouTube, of course, because that's all I do. Um, it feels like sometimes and he was talking about, like you know, most overlanders are literally doing what everybody with another outdoor hop with what everybody with another outdoor hobby is doing to get to their hobby, and I thought that was an interesting take and and to some extent, yes, um, where I went this weekend there was no other hobby existing other than what we were doing in the vehicles.

Speaker 1:

Um, I can't imagine there was no fishing really around, particularly one night. There was, but not on any of the trails or anything. No mountain biking would have been occurring where we were at. It was a little. It would have been a little bold to be going up any hills like we were doing so. But I thought that was an interesting take. And just, you know, again I talk about people getting out and what's which led me to think of that is like really you can get out and really enjoy a lot of what I did this weekend. I mean, I say we did about 200 miles, maybe even 200 plus miles in the Ozarks, but I can't tell you how much of that. We were going so fast because it was just gravel road Like there we did do some trails, substantial trails, like we did a substantial amount of trails for trails, but I'd say at least half of it was you could have done it in a Subaru anything, a Subaru anything or a Highlander or RAV4 or whatever.

Speaker 1:

So I hope, uh, just get out there guys. Like get out there, get whatever you get. Like do your ham, get a hammock, get a tent, you know, sleep in the car, get a roof. I mean, if you want to get the stuff but you don't need the stuff, I mean, yeah, it's makes it easier. But I go a lot. Go and find out what you think you might want. Don't get what you think you might need and then then go out. Don't build your truck and then go out, get. Go out and then build your truck or your car, your SUV or your Subaru or whatever you know, and see, see what you need. Because, uh, man, it's you know and again, I watched that video yesterday. I just went out. I'm selling stuff on Facebook.

Speaker 1:

I mean there's a lot of people that are like just now looking at stuff. I feel like, and it's like time's come and gone, Go to Walmart, get you a fan, get you a sleeping bag, you know. Get you a Coleman stove, you know, just fill the need for the few things you need. Get a water jug at Walmart, take some water, take some baby wipes and get out, get out, go see what you need. I mean it was just so awesome, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful out there this weekend and I saw tons of you know, out outdoor oriented vehicles, from trucks to cars, the full overland builds, the Jeeps, the Subarus to lots of people out this weekend doing who knows what, whether I saw them on the highway, on the way or out there actually.

Speaker 1:

I mean, get kayaking, get outside, man. We have a beautiful summer here now and we're four years past the thing like you can finally get stuff shipped to your house, you can go out on vacation. You don't have to worry about anybody else. So get out, man. It's, it is freaking awesome out. I just I'm going to wear everybody out saying go go, take a day off work, go go on a Tuesday, go fishing, go whatever. Get the hell out. It's so nice out right now. Guys, you got to get out there. It is beautiful, beautiful. I had so much fun is beautiful, beautiful, I had so much fun. I can't wait to get back out again. I you know like hell I might go tonight, like I am freaking after this. It's so nice out that you like the skies are clear, that all the bugs, you could see, the stars. Hopefully, where you're at, you can see the stars and it's not too polluted. It's definitely not here, but, man, it's just a nice time to be outside. Summer is so great.

Speaker 1:

I do greatly enjoy winter camping, but you are, you are limited winter camping based on uh, national parks for a system for service, excuse me, system for service system. They get closed up during the winter so you can't really quite. I can still go, do all the trails I just did, like that's all open, but some of the camp spots aren't. Some of it's blocked off for whatever reason. So but it's wide open now. Everything's open too If you go anywhere near a river or a lake or a lot of those places are seasonal and this is the season, so it's hopping.

Speaker 1:

So anybody that's listening that's new man find a place, get out, get your on X. Get on X. You know again, I'm not just pimping, that's what I use. Get on X. Press the little circle with the cross hairs. That'll put you where you're at right now. Blow it up and see what's around. Go, just go, find whatever's around. Green means easy on Onyx. Go, get on Onyx. Find your little circle for yourself. It'll show you at your house right now. Blow it up and find something near you. Go, have a good time. I mean, it's freaking, it's too easy, it's too.

Speaker 1:

I said it all weekend, if you, I went out this weekend. I ate, I had gas, gasoline, which is, is is my biggest expense almost always, but gasoline I filled up twice. So 70 bucks, I think probably 80 bucks total, and I. I live five hours from the Ozarks, so if you live close to where you're going, that's not going to happen. But I filled up twice. Um bought some groceries for 40 bucks Saturday to cook dinner Saturday night and ate three meals. So I spent total a weekend just me, though, you know, if you take kids or whatever you know, and I already have a lot of equipment, thousands of dollars equipment, but still nonetheless less than 200 bucks for the whole weekend, the whole thing like that. We're talking Friday, saturday and Sunday. Not bad, that's cheap, that's a cheap weekend in my world, anyways. Not bad, that's cheap, that's a cheap weekend In my world anyways. For two nights of camping and three days of driving, that's pretty good.

Speaker 1:

I thought no-transcript. And I bought egg rolls at the gas station one day and they were slapped hard. They were so good, they're so good, egg rolls, slapped so hard, but anyways, that was like $10. So, yeah, it was. I mean, really no expense at all. Took, water, took, you know, that's it. I didn't take anything. I didn't have some massive galley kitchen wild youet mignon, none of that. I had freaking, I don't know, stroganoff and biscuits and gravy and chicken and rice, and I mean monster and water was it, and it was a blast spent way more time enjoying the outdoors than doing something else.

Speaker 1:

So you don't need a bunch of stuff again. I have a bunch of stuff. I also go a bunch. I also been doing it a long time. You could do it. You could do every bit of what I just did in a stock vehicle and a couple items from walmart easy, easily, easily. One thing to not forget right now, though, with this heat, is a fan and a way to charge it or batteries for it.

Speaker 1:

Take a fan. It is hot. You'll want a fan at night, for sure. Get a fan and a way to in a fan. That's applicable to your ability to mount it to whatever you're sleeping in or set it up. So fan's a huge one. Fan, fan and bug spray. Have fan and bug spray and you'll be mint.

Speaker 1:

So, but yeah, I mean I got some people watching, nobody's commenting, but I really don't have anything else. I just wanted to continue to be. You know, just another continuation of like life's going to pass you by and you're going to miss stuff. Get out and do what you want to be doing. You know I'm going to say it all summer. You know I'm a redheaded dude, as you guys can see that Watch, that's a tan boys Like get outside, and I'm not one of the easy tanning people. Get outside, it's beautiful, get out there, get overlanding, get traveling, get exploring, get lost, find yourself, figure it out, you know, learn, learn some stuff again, like you could really learn a lot just have an onyx. I mean you can kind of get, you can kind of have onyx, download some offline maps and and just go get lost and figure it out and you can learn a lot from that. I mean you can learn a lot from just getting on x and take just we're going East, you know, on this road. So I mean I think that's great.

Speaker 1:

What's up, benji? Um, for those of you that are listening, benji just said what's up, dog? Go over to Benji's page newfound overland. He's got a 1980 Toyota truck that he's redoing and he's got some pretty sick content about it. He just did some type of uh patina service on it because he's not repainting. It looks really cool. It's interesting. I've never seen that stuff before and I used to detail for a living, um, so it's something I never saw. I thought it was interesting, um, so go give benji a look, give benji a listen. He has a podcast too. He was on here last week.

Speaker 1:

Um, we're good friends. You could come see me and Benji both of us at big iron September 28th. We'll both be there. It's going to be a freaking podcasters extravaganza. You can meet us. I mean I mean that's that should be incentive enough, um, anyways. So may I get out there? Guys, Like I mean I mean that's that should be incentive enough, um, anyways. So may I get out there. Guys, like I mean it's just too nice.

Speaker 1:

And I saw, um, I was watching an interview like on Instagram, like little interview about, like people that were like I just can't get into this hobby because all this stuff. And they see people like myself and think that's what you got to have and you don't, I mean, and I think it would be hard to go out as a beginner and have the confidence and experience to go exploring like I am anyways, confidence and experience to go exploring like I am anyways, like you're not gonna. Like, my stuff is built specifically to not only just my, my wants and needs, but also my experience, which lends me to getting you know, more remote, more difficult, but that all comes with time. You know that wasn't always the case, um, at all, and and and there's a lot of times where that's not the case, with some people that go with us and we can even accommodate very much. Now, this weekend, myself, johnny and Corey are all extremely well-equipped and the trip reflected that. For sure, there was not. I mean, the trip reflected the amount of capability we had, for sure, and that was. That doesn't happen a lot for me and that was a lot of fun. I had a lot of fun doing that. So, but that's about all I got for you guys this week.

Speaker 1:

Don't let life pass you by. Don't waste too much time listening to me on here. Get out, do something, go barbecue something. Get outside, look at the sunset right now or later. Enjoy some of the sounds of nature. Get outside, guys, like I I am, I told, I said it earlier on this is a passion project of mine, but the passion, the passion that I have, doesn't exist on the internet. It exists outside. Um, quite frankly, it it exists away from the internet. It exists, you know, not, not sitting here and consuming what I'm doing. It exists going outside and hopefully I'm just something you listen to on your way, you know.

Speaker 1:

So don't, don't, don't sit here, dude, don't sit here watching content, you know, and being like man, I wish, go guys, go get your freaking Nissan Altima and go, like whatever, get out there. You definitely can do it. If you need somebody to tell you that's totally cool, like I think you're cool, like yeah, you don't need to have a bunch of stickers on your, you know on your, or patches on your headliner, you don't need to have you know, factor 55, crap and you know, be lifted, and have all the quintessential. Like, just go and and you'll find that the people out there, nobody's judging anybody. The only people that are judging people are also the ones that aren't going. They got a lot of ideas, people that are actually out there doing it. They're loving that you're doing it.

Speaker 1:

So just get out, go grab your hammock, go grab your tent, get after it. You don't even need a sleeping bag right now. It's too hot. You know, get a, get a, get a pad, get a. Roll up some, go get some foam somewhere, mattress, topper, sleep on that. Like it's that time of year, man, you can go with very minimal stuff.

Speaker 1:

Um, so that's about all I got for you guys this week. Um, not really much. I just wanted to stay consistent. You know, like I'm trying to do this every week, I almost didn't do this week. I was like I really don't got anything. You know, I went out but like this is not a memoir. Yeah, oh, johnny, I'll, I'll comment on this. Johnny just said I'm gonna go camping.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we had a conversation this weekend and uh, we were just talking about kind of like you know, life situations of everybody in our group and I will by no means get into those on here, but just life situations. You know, there's a lot of change going on within our friend group. A lot of change going on within our friend group. Uh, actually, right now, not that that's any of the world's business, but and I was like, yeah, I'm just, you know my life's where it's at and I'm just gonna go camping. I'm gonna go camping, that's what I said. I was like I just that's where I'm at, my life is in a relationship with I'm gonna go camping, that's it's where I'm at. Like just, I'm just going camping, I'm just doing my thing, going alone, not going alone. If you want to go, come with me. If you don't, I'll go alone, like very fluid. But uh, him and Allie thought that was just pretty funny, cause I was just like, yeah, I'm just gonna go camping, it's just whatever. And uh, and they, they, they got kicked out of that. Cause, uh, I was just like, yeah, I mean, yeah, that's what I'm doing, you know not. Not, you know, I never judge anybody else by what they're doing, but I hope that, uh, everybody can get a little.

Speaker 1:

I'ma go camping going on right now. You know, it's beautiful. I mean, I'm looking out, like, for those of you that don't know, I don't have like a fancy studio, I'm on my kitchen table on a laptop. So those of you guys that think you need like some fancy crap, like this podcast says plenty fine, and I'm on a Logitech webcam that was $30. Probably, anyways, on my laptop, which is, I don't know. Anyways, it doesn't matter. I'm looking out my back porch right now. It's freaking awesome, sunsetting, like nothing says.

Speaker 1:

A brought in a beer, like today, you know, and what would make that better? Little low range in the Tacoma, a little low range, a couple rocks river, brought in a beer. Now, guys, I don't know that's, if that's not American and that's not summer, I don't know, I don't know what is. So that's where I'm at right now, my mind is not even here, not even kinda, so hopefully I see you guys. Where I'm at right now, my mind is not even here, not even kind of, so hopefully I see you guys out.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be out. I will be very active this summer and out and around Until I wear out the Ozarks this year. That's where I'll be one way or another. Mark Twain, upper Buffalo, lower Buffalo, all over Central Arkansas, west, east, south. I haven't done the Ouachita's but, johnny, you're listening, get ready, because we're going to do that probably too.

Speaker 1:

So I'll be doing some more scouting because we will be going this winter and I want to have done some scouting by the time we go this winter because nothing, the winter's a little worse when you gotta you know you gotta be recovering people and stuff, when it's like 15 degrees outside. So I'll want to have some of those, some of those uh, choke points and such marked. At least so I'm. It helps to know what's coming a little bit at least. You can never control the conditions completely, but so hopefully you can be ready.

Speaker 1:

So I'll be doing some scouting for, you know, fall time, probably down there, um, as I think that's relatively untouched by many people. I think the upper ozarks, like northwest arkansas, is really popular, um, but I'm gonna go camping, so the watchtows probably is a place I want to check out. Seems cool too. So, anyways, you guys have a great week. I'll be here next week again, but I'm going to go camping, so the Ouachita probably is a place I want to check out. Seems cool to you. So, anyways, you guys have a great week. I'll be here next week again, because I do it every week.

Speaker 1:

Consistency, guys, keep telling you, be consistent. I thought about not doing this today, but hey, I wouldn't be doing what I'm telling you guys to be doing. So stay on it, go live your life, don't let it pass you by. Go camping, get outside, get your kids outside. Enjoy some of the heat. The heat doesn't suck, the heat's a blessing. Get out there in the sunshine Longer days, enjoy it, and I will see you guys, hear you guys talk to you guys next week.