Outskirts Overland Podcast

Protecting Your Ride: Off-Roading Insurance Essentials, Trail Mishaps, and Staying Connected

Charlie Racinowski Season 1 Episode 22

Ever wondered how to protect your off-road vehicle while tackling the unpredictable terrains of public lands? Join us as we explore the crucial topic of off-road vehicle insurance in our latest episode of Outskirts Overland. I share my personal journey through the complexities of securing the right coverage for adventures on county roads, forest service paths, and farm trails. Learn from my recent mishap on a challenging trail over the 4th of July weekend, where a lack of a spotter resulted in damage to my truck, underscoring the importance of having the proper insurance to avoid financial setbacks.

Dive into the often overlooked aspect of insurance for motorsport and off-road activities. We’ll discuss the nuances of specialized coverage, including the importance of glass protection for frequent off-roaders. Get practical advice through my experiences in the Mark Twain National Forest and the Ozarks, with stories that highlight the unpredictable nature of trails and the camaraderie in shared camping adventures. Plus, discover the significance of reliable communication in remote areas with technologies like Starlink or WeBoost, and how staying connected can enhance your outdoor escapades. This episode is packed with insights to help you strike the perfect balance between thrilling adventures and essential precautions.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. So, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to Outskirts Overland. I'm back after taking a week off. I needed a break. I think I did like 24, 24, 25 weeks in a row, so I was happy to happy to take a week off. It was nice. I did nothing. Well, I mean, I went outside. I said that on my instagram too. I was like this is the first nice day in a few days. I'm gonna go get outside and do something, but nothing that needed done. Um, so it was quite enjoyable.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, before we get kicking too far on what's going on with me, what I got to talk about this week a few different subjects I wanted to let you guys know that I have a code for Onyx Off-Road. Onyx Off-Road is what I use for all my navigation. It is Global Overland 236. And that gets you 20. I always say 25. It gets you 20% off of Onyx Off-Road Again, global Overland 236. All one word Gets you 20% off. And then also Toyota Trucks of Arkansas Again, just a lot of friends over there. It's a great Facebook group. If you're in the Midwest and you like Toyotas, go ahead and join Toyota trucks Arkansas. They're great. Um, I'm also going to shout out Kenda tires, kmc wheel and rough country they also have. I'll be giving reviews on all those things um here in the near future, as I've had them on for a while. But I got some wheels, I got some tires and I have a suspension, um, so I want to shout out those brands. So thank you for those things Um anyway.

Speaker 1:

So I was going to get into a talk today. I actually this is a discussion that I had online previously in a Facebook group and it's relevant to me right now and I'd like to start this. I'm going to talk about insurance, you know, and modifications and different things. I'm going to caveat I am not a licensed insurance agent, so I would get ahold of your agent If you have any questions about anything I talk about. I don't plan to tell anybody what to do or how to do it, but simply put some things in front of you so that you think a little bit about if you're covered.

Speaker 1:

So to bring some context to the situation, probably a year ago I was shopping for insurance and knew that the time may come that something might happen to my truck out on a county road or a trail, something like that. You know, not private, not private property like an off-road park, but truck out on a county road or a trail, something like that Not private, not private property like an off-road park, but out on a trail. What happens if you aren't on a regular DOT road but a county road or a farm road or a Forest Service road? You hit a deer, you hit a tree, you do something. How does that work?

Speaker 1:

I started digging into you know, am I covered? And I got a whole lot of kind of I don't know really, and that got me kind of nervous actually. So I started shopping around, and I mean everywhere you know there's a lot of insurance companies, brands, whatever you want to say, and I was just shopping around for all different sorts of of whatever with these things. So, hey, steven, how are you doing? Um, he just hopped on and said what's up?

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, so I was looking at insurance and and insurance and it was kind of a deal and it got kind of, I don't know, controversial, I guess, in the group where some people are like you know, my insurance agent told me I'm covered as long as I'm on a county road. Well, if there's anything I know about insurance is the verbiage matters a lot and county road and forest service road and farm road are different things. So I was like, what if it's not a county road? And, for instance, they were like, well, how are they going to know? And I was like, do you have like drive wise or safe driver or anything? Those things are tracking where you're at, like duh. And they were like, oh, I never thought about it.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, I searched for insurance and I ended up going with an insurance that said, hey, as long as it's not private property, you're on public property, you're good. And I was like, okay, cool. So it didn't matter what kind of road it was, if it was public, so national forest land, you know, I don't know state parks, national parks, public land I was good. So that's the insurance I went with. Well, that was like a year ago, um, and I was like, you know, something might happen. You know what happens if I get in a situation where I'm out and I can't turn around but I get in a, a washout area. What if I flip? Like what if something? Just just you know again, washed out, truck slides, whatever, like what happens if something happens to this vehicle? I want to make sure that I'm not stuck with the note on this thing.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, fast forward to 4th of July weekend and I get some damage on my truck. I, you know, I out by myself, so no spotter, out by myself, just doing the thing, um, go down a pretty gnarly trail. But again, like not, I don't know, I wouldn't discourage anyone from going down that trail, but not having a spotter definitely adds to. Definitely not having a spotter adds to the complexity of things. For sure, I've wheeled my truck a lot so I'm pretty confident. But either way, I was up on a rock ledge, like such my two tires and for those of you that are watching is perpendicular and my fronts went over, they went down, and then my driver front went up and slid the back end of the truck off of this rock. I hit a cutoff tree, so and kind of jacked up.

Speaker 1:

So I, long story short, my truck needs a new passenger rear door and a new bedside and they're painting the entire passenger side of my truck and it was a considerable amount of money. Damage, I mean, quite frankly, if this wasn't what I drove every day, I'd probably just leave it alone, honestly. But either way, there was no questions asked and that's what I want to bring up today. Like I got on. I made a claim, I showed them what trip it happened on and I mean it was in a day like it was done. Took it to a body shop, got an estimate and that was that like money's there. I mean I don't drop it off till next Monday. But because I got a, I mean if you're watching now I gotta get my deck system out, my fridge out, power out, camper shell off, tan off. I had empty it all out because they're doing a bedside on it. You just make their life easier and give me my truck back probably a little faster. Also, I don't know that I want them putting my aftermarket stuff back on for me at the body shop Either way. But I bring it up because A I had some foresight here.

Speaker 1:

This could happen, I mean, and it could have happened long before now. And I've had other little dings and dents, you know that have occurred. That aren't a big deal and you could probably get them out with painless dent repair or whatever. This not so much it like creased the door under and the bedside's just. I mean the bedside looks like it got punched by a grizzly bear. Actually that's what it looks like, but it just, it just slid onto it. I mean, you guys have seen, on trails where trees are cut off, it just hit, it was a tree, it was a legit tree, it just so. And it happens. It was a mistake. It's not like I was doing anything completely insane. I'm not off my rocker, you know like accidents happen.

Speaker 1:

But it does bring me to the point of making sure that you guys you know you don't want to tell your insurance to have your rate jacked up, right, but like you got to let it. If you're doing this often, you got to make sure you're covered. And there's a lot of insurances that say that you're covered on county roads but like, for instance, in Arkansas, those trails are marked for service roads. Not they are county roads, but like it's a little gray. You know what I'm saying. So like I just make sure you're covered because that's a that's a big deal. Like your vehicle is a very large part of the hobby. So making sure your vehicle is good to go is big Like. Another thing that I make a big deal about is glass protection, Doing this hobby like broken windshields. I mean glass protection is glass protection. That's a window, a windshield, whatever. So that's a big one that I always pay attention to, and by no means am I giving you guys like advice.

Speaker 1:

I'm speaking from personal experience. This is something I sought out, it's something I'm currently using now and I have had a pretty seamless. I've had a pretty seamless time with it, like it wasn't like oh, this, oh that, any of the aftermarket stuff that needs changed. Like I have some aftermarket stuff on my truck, emblems, things like that. They're replacing them all with what is on there, not what it came with. So I had to send them some links to some of that stuff. But yeah, it's been great. And I also talked to my insurance about you know, like I got a fridge in here, I've got extra power, I've got all these things. So they, you know, they recommended and again, talk to your own insurance company or when you're shopping, do your thing. But they said, go ahead and get renter's insurance and that'll, that'll, that'll cover any other contents of your vehicle. Well, I have a camper shell on my vehicle, so that's everything in the bed of my truck and the inside of my truck. That's my iPad, my radios, my all that stuff. So I just made sure I was insured.

Speaker 1:

I have been in scenarios. Before you know, I got told you guys, I raced, well, your car. If you get in a wreck at the racetrack cause you're racing your car at the racetrack and you like wreck your car like so, like you flip it or whatever, and this is a car like a, like a daily driven car and you don't have insurance for that, that's typically not covered. I've witnessed this. You know that toe is not covered, like not, I mean nothing, it's you're, it's on you, you're at the racetrack, that that's private, you're doing something, you know, and you wrecked your car. So it's kind of like an off-road park same thing. You are kind of on your own at that juncture and you sign waivers at these things exactly for that. So it happens.

Speaker 1:

But having seen that occur, I knew, even though I'm out on you know, having seen that occur, I knew, even though I'm out on public land, what guidelines do I have here Today? I was just going to talk about like hey, make sure you're thinking about this stuff. I hope to never have used it. This is something I talked about again months and months and months before I had the podcast. It got kind of heated.

Speaker 1:

People are, like my agent said and I'm like well, read your policy. You know like I uh, I don't talk about work a lot, but I will at least say I work in the mortgage industry and what somebody tells you does not matter nearly as much as what you signed that's written. So make sure you're looking at your policy, ask questions about your policy, because the last thing I'd want anybody to do is you buy a 30, 40, 50, $60,000 vehicle, then you put another 15,000 in it and something happens and now either your modifications aren't covered or your vehicle wasn't covered. In that situation, like I mean, if, if I get hail damage on my truck and it damages my rooftop tent, I'm covered. I asked that question specifically, you know, and and my insurance is probably expensive to some of you guys, but that you know I don't want to be re re buying some of this expensive stuff, and the longer stuff's on my truck, the longer stuff's on my truck. Some of the stuff isn't even around anymore. So I want to make sure that the money's there to at least replacement costs. You know, because that's what it goes off of is replacement costs, not what you paid for it, but what it costs to replace it, whatever new model's out or new thing is out or however that works. So that's something I'm always paying attention to.

Speaker 1:

And again, I learned a lot from racing because that stuff isn't covered. You know whether you're on a motorcycle or in a car. If it's a, if it's an on-road car that you have payments on and you have full coverage on, but you're doing an off-road racing activity, most of the time insurance isn't covered if you wreck at that event. So that's time attack, drifting, yeah, I mean drag racing. So it's good to know you can get stuff that'll cover you. Until one of my friends had an incident and totaled his car at the track, unfortunately I never even thought about it. I was never like, it never even crossed my mind, so I figured it probably never crossed anybody else's mind either. Like, oh man, is my like, does my insurance cover me doing this?

Speaker 1:

You know, while I'm out here, out there and and because I know I'm covered, now I kinda I just pay attention to make sure I'm on public land, like I mean I won't be on anybody's private land, but other than that I'm pretty good. But if it was just county roads I'd be sweating a little bit. I do travel all over the place. What exactly does that mean from state to state to state or even county to county. I've seen stuff that are called FR. Know FR farm road that could be fire road, fsrs for forest service road, you know like what are those roads? Or even just trails that are numbered Like what does that? What does that necessarily entail?

Speaker 1:

Entail, and again, pay attention to what's in writing, because I think agents to some extent and I'm not an insurance agent, but I'm a guy with an opinion they're salespeople, they're going to be like you're good until the time comes to replace X, y and Z on your truck. And now you know five, 10 grand at aftermarket stuff and they're like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You know. So just make sure you're talking about it, figuring it out and handling it. Um, you know, I'm a little I. I I'm using it. I wish I wasn't using it, but I'm happy that I'm using it and it worked out the way all my research led me, they led me to believe in my policy, said that it would work. So, and again, you know if anybody that has any safe driving device, gps, phone thing, like they know where you're going. So and they already know where you're at period. So there's not really getting around that either. So just do the right thing you know, make sure you're, you're covered, your family's covered, with injury and stuff. So, and again, glass coverage. If you don't have it and you're doing in your overlanding, I would highly highly recommend glass coverage.

Speaker 1:

Um, in this knock on wood, in this specific truck, I've yet to have to replace a windshield, but my first Tacoma I replaced like three. I don't know what the deal was there, but it was. It had some issues, but it would do. A rear view mirror too, it would do anything, and I regularly hit my rear view mirrors on stuff when I'm on trails. Um, that just does happen. It's just kind of my flavor. So, anyways, that was the meat and potatoes of a big topic I wanted to talk about today and then was going to get into, kind of.

Speaker 1:

I've been camping a bunch and, like I said, I was on this trip completely alone. I went and explored a little bit, got next to the Buffalo River all by myself and just sat in the river and hung out for a day. Then went down, then went to Mark Twain National Forest, went down this trail that some would say a vehicle probably shouldn't have been on, but my truck made it. I mean really till the very end, and it was a mistake. I mean a mistake, an accident, whatever you want to call it. So I mean it's very doable in a vehicle I didn't see any other vehicles I saw, I didn't even see a lot of side-by-sides, honestly, on it, but it's doable. I I, you know I had a lapse in ability for, you know, judgment and stuff happens. So my truck's going in the shop for two weeks. That's all there is to it. But even so, I camped down there.

Speaker 1:

My buddy, Johnny, met me later. Like I'd already camped Friday night, done a bunch of trails in Mark Twain, and then I was already parked and I just sent him a grid and he came and camped with me and we hung out and cooked some steaks and uh, yeah, it was a good time. We both brought our iPads, watched some movies and it was cool. So nothing, uh nothing really to report there. That was bad. When he was coming to meet me he also broke a taillight on his forerunner because the trails are tight. That's life in the ozarks, mark twain. That's just how it is out here. You know it's real tight and storms and you just just is what it is. You get pinstriped, you get caught up. It just happens so. But we were out, we're having a good time, but, uh, on the way down. One thing I want to uh on the way down. One thing I want to talk about is on the way down.

Speaker 1:

I went and stopped at Overland Addict um and chatted Overland Addicts Great, I've met him before. Um, I've never actually been to a store. And I went and got just two things I got that are super freaking cool, um, and I'll have to pull them up. But I got a new Claymore headlamp, which is really really, really, really nice and I really like that, but the bigger, the bigger.

Speaker 1:

The one that stole the show is. I got these pole fire starters. You wrap the. It's got two, it's a block and it's got two cords and you wrap one cord around along and you pull the other one out and it's like guaranteed fire. And I was a little skeptical. So we made a fire man, this thing is awesome. So I was like, wow, this is cool.

Speaker 1:

And I got that from Chad too, cause I'm usually a pretty big. I'm not a big fire guy, I've said that before at all but when I am doing, when I am doing, yeah, here it is Pull start fire. But when I am doing fires I tend to use what is it? Blackbeard or something fire starters, and they always do me pretty good, so I mean, they always do me pretty solid, so I always use them, them. And he was like, oh, if you, you got to try this thing out. So I'm going to, I'm going to share the link here to you guys, but these are them. Let me see if I let me. Oh, here they are, here we go, let me get that screen. Yeah, share that. So here they are. And these things are no joke.

Speaker 1:

Man, this thing was sick and it's called pull start fire. I'm looking at it on Amazon Again. I don't. I actually don't even know what they cost. So it looks like three of them. I'm assuming that's three of them in that pack. It's like 30 bucks.

Speaker 1:

But I'm gonna tell you guys this I did it in the summer and I don't know this in necessity in the summer, but in the winter this would be like a pretty significant thing to have. And it says here it burns for 30 minutes, it's wind and rain proof and it lights wet wood. I could tell you I would agree with all of those claims actually, um, I, I was. I'm not often surprised by pieces of equipment, but this one I was pretty surprised with. So it's called pull start fire. Um, he recommended it to me. I gave it a whirl, you know, but I think in the winter that thing would be awesome, cause those of you guys that camp in the winter even if the woods not wet, it don't sometimes get frost on it's hard to light. This thing's like almost like an incendiary grenade, almost kind of when I was in the military, that's what this is kind of like. That I mean it. It it's the real deal. So I that that product has my stamp of approval to pull start fire.

Speaker 1:

That thing was sick. Like I can't tell you guys enough how skeptical I was and how good it actually was. I bought three of them just because I was like, yeah, maybe I want to make sure it's good or bad, like, if it's a dud, I want a couple others to make sure it's actually a dud, you know. So I bought three of them. But, man, it's gonna be hard turning back after that and I might turn into a fire guy if it's that easy. I mean it's literally like wrap it around, log, pull it and it is done, you're done, that's it. There's no like kindling, blowing nothing. This thing does it and it burns for 30 minutes, like well getting it going, so you don't need any kindling, all big logs. Super, super sick product.

Speaker 1:

The headlamp I got to Claymore. Claymore, as most of you guys know or don't know, claymore is like phenomenal lighting stuff. I have Claymore fan, I have other Claymore lights, um, but this, uh, this headlamp is super sick, so I'm really happy with that. Other than that, though, I didn't really get I didn't buy anything specific but or new to me. I'm pretty familiar with you know what's out there at this point my, my setup's pretty well, my setup's good to go, like I, I don't really want for much in my setup, but it all works well and whatnot. I got my little my fire maple stove here that runs on jet boil fuel, really really liking that.

Speaker 1:

Um, but really, biggest thing that I did to upgrade that I did is, I mean, my, my, uh, my iPad. Ipad was Again, I went alone this week. The iPad saved me, I mean offline maps, and Onyx on the iPad saved me. The functionality of Onyx on a phone versus CarPlay versus an iPad it's actually different on all three. And the iPad is, by far and large, a fantastic interface with Onyx Off-Road. And again, I'm not going to be the one that's like, try to not be the one that's like, oh, you got to have this thing or that thing, but, like man, onyx is a must in my opinion. You got to have it. And now, having done it, finally with an iPad, dude, that is the shit, it's fantastic. So I'm very happy with that.

Speaker 1:

Um, but one thing that me and my, me and Johnny at least me and Johnny go. We well, at least we've been going a lot lately out of everybody, my friend group, I think I said a couple of weeks ago there's a lot of life change going on within my friend group, um, so me and Johnny have went the last two, three times, just us, um, so that's whatever, but me and him keep coming back to like it would be nice to have service and not so again have three kids. Sometimes my kids want to call me. He has a wife, sometimes she's with him, sometimes she's not, but having some connectivity in that instance like not. So we sit there and play on facebook and he's come back to we. He's like the we boost. He's like what do you think about the we boost? And I'm like I think it's a lot of money when starlink is just so positive, like I've seen nothing but positive things about Starlink and that would, that would work, like you can do anything with wifi, right? So, man, we've been kicking that around a lot and I was completely and totally against Starlink when it first came out, cause I was like you go out to the woods to get away.

Speaker 1:

Well, I do go out to the woods a lot and I get away a lot, and so we're talking 10 days a month. Well, when you're, you know if I was going a day here and a day there, yeah, get away, disconnect, do whatever. But when you're out there, you know two, three, four days. You know two, three, four days almost every weekend. You're starting to go at a higher frequency where, just statistically, something is maybe more likely to happen and somebody would want to. You just want to know somebody get in touch with you. There's no reason you can't get like I'm I'm back out of service, but I got there in a truck, like I can get out in a truck, so like if it was like somebody got a car wreck or something happened or you know, those are things I'd want to be able to know.

Speaker 1:

So I'm starting to I use the term justify, I'm starting to justify looking at those things. And again, you know, I don't think it's even a matter of only have it on for an hour or whatever. I think I could leave it run and just put my phone on loud and put it in the driver's seat with the window down, like I don't think, I don't think I'll have a problem with that. There's enough to do at camp. I download movies and stuff. So I'm not I'm not really like trying to scroll or any of that crap.

Speaker 1:

But there's been some instances where I'm like I've gotten some phone calls that showed up two days later, three days later after I get back into service, and I'm kind of like you know you call the person back and don't get ahold of them, and you're kind of like it'll eat at you. You're like, well, that doesn't sit well with me. So I think we've been talking about that a lot. That's something that I've been thinking about a lot there's a decent investment in that upfront cost at least. So that's, that's a thing I'm really hoping, not for the sake of Elon or anybody, but like since it has been such a hit that like I'll be able to get it a different way besides just Starlink, like somebody else will start making it or it'll become more affordable. You know, I kind of did that with diesel heaters. They were like very expensive and then I waited a couple of years and they're like a hundred dollars now, and not that I'm comparing, you know, satellite wifi to diesel heaters. They're very different, but I am in hopes that hopefully the price comes down on that, even if service doesn't that, just the equipment price does. But then that led me to how much power is this thing use and am I prepared for that? And that's just again.

Speaker 1:

I talk about it every single week probably. You solve one problem, you create another, and right now I really don't have any problems outside of my poor decision-making, a couple of weeks ago crushing the side of my truck, but that'll get fixed and the truck drives fine, like I didn't. You know, luckily. You know it's nothing. It's nothing that stops it from doing anything it would normally do. It's not jacked up any other way, it's some body panels. But you know, such is life, life goes on. It's not even.

Speaker 1:

I mean nothing structural, nothing like that, just aesthetic, so that's all good, but oh man, I'm yawning. I should not be doing that, guys, tuesday, it's too early week for that. But yeah, so just a few little things this week, like pay attention to your insurance coverage. You know that pull, start, fire, man, that is a. That thing is I hate to use the term that, you know I'm on a use but like that thing is now an essential piece of gear for me. Um, so that's really cool. That thing is now an essential piece of gear for me, so that's really cool. And yeah, man, that's about. I mean, I don't really have a lot this week.

Speaker 1:

I just want to get on, talk a little bit about insurance, talk a little bit about, kind of what I'm thinking with Starlink. Maybe, you know, maybe Starlink, maybe we boost is just so similar in price to startling. Maybe you know, if one of them wanted to send me something to try, well, that's what I'm gonna try. I mean, I'll be candid with you guys. Like there's, that is an instance I'm gonna. Yeah, sure, if we boost is like well, you know, you're on the fence, we heard you're on the fence and why don't you give it a whirl? Well, absolutely I'll give it a whirl and if it's sufficient, you know, without a monthly fee. Well, maybe that's. That's what I'll tell you guys. If not, if I'm buying it myself probably going to be Starlink just because I am it's multifaceted I could then do the podcast out in the woods, which is a huge benefit to me.

Speaker 1:

So, instead of having a virtual background, I could have this as my actual background. I could do this literally from camp, and then that would open up me doing this for you guys. That would just, I think, make the stream more successful. I think a lot of people listen on the podcast side of things and that's where most of you guys are listening now, as you listen to this after I've done the stream. But I think it would make the stream more, uh, more enticing. I could sit and we could do you know, I get my group of friends that will never be on this podcast I could set up the webcam and we could all just do Q and A's while we cook and hang out at camp, because I w that would be an option. So it is definitely something that I'm kicking around, but I will tell you guys right now those of you that listen that are way against it or way for it. I'm not thinking of it so I can doom, scroll, tiktok I.

Speaker 1:

It would be nice to be able to FaceTime my kids. You know, that would be nice, you know, and that's a luxury for sure. But also, I don't get out so few and far between that Like it's like this is my only chance to get away. I get away a lot, I'm away a lot, so don't get that twisted. If you are the person, I do think it's very good for you to get away into some silence and serenity. If you don't do it very often, but when we're talking, I mean, what did I do in June, I don't know 12 days, it's a regular thing here, so it's not a few times thing here, so it's not a few times, it's quite a few times. And I have a Zolio so if it got down to dire need on my end, I can communicate out.

Speaker 1:

It's just the ability for someone to communicate from the outside. To me that's just starting to kind of be like yeah, yeah, you know, I don't know, so that's been weighing on me pretty heavily. So anybody that has any insight on that, again, my, my listeners and viewers that you guys aren't much on commenting and I don't want to be the guy here that's like, uh, leave me five stars, do the thing. Like, again, it's cool for whoever does that, I'm here for who's listening and that's good enough for me. But, like, if anybody has any experience with starlink or we boost, you know, I don't know what the I don't know what starlink takes for power. I don't know what we boost takes for power. I don't know if either of those things even work well. Like, I don't know how they are. I don't know anything about them quite frankly, very little. I know they'd help you get a bar of service. I think WeBoost gets you one bar. If you already have at least one bar, it gets you another one. Starlink I think most people know about that because you can get that for your house. But I don't have any experience with either of them. I see a lot of content creators use them, but they're creating videos. They're not creating content about the thing. So I don't really you know I could look at somebody else, but I don't know if I trust them. So anyways, that's what's going on with me Pretty much just took a week off to.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'd already my truck was already caved in when I took a week off that had nothing to do with it. I have said to you guys before I have three kids. This is, I do this either Tuesday night or Wednesday night every week and that's the night I don't. That's the night I don't have my kids. So it was nice to just have a night, because usually I mean, this is my schedule kind of goes, and this just to give you guys some insight. But if I don't have my kids during the week I'm doing the podcast, and if I got a babysitter or no kids on the weekend, I'm going camping or they're going with me. Even so, it was nice to just have a day, you know, a day to come home, drive home slow, that's all so, but I'll be on every week.

Speaker 1:

I've gotten a couple uh little trinkety, uh new products I'm going to. Next week I'm going to go over this stuff that I have. I put probably I mean on-road miles on my wheels and tires, probably a thousand on-road miles on my shocks, probably 2000 off-road miles on both, definitely over 500 miles off-road. So that's more than many people would do in a year. So I'll give a review of the Rough Country Shocks, which again I'll get into what everybody like I'm a guy that's been doing this a long time. I know what everybody thinks when I say that name. But I got Kenda Cleaver RT tires and I got some KMC forged wheels and I will give you guys my opinion of all of it. So, but I got a couple of other things that I bought Prime day is today and tomorrow Picked up a few.

Speaker 1:

I've picked up a few things. Prime day is happening, so there's a few cheap, like you can get some stuff on sale. I've upgraded a couple of things that I had that I think is worth telling you guys about. I replaced some stuff that I had previously thought was like the brand to have and I got this other stuff and it's actually a lot nicer, um, so far. So I don't ever want to do the unboxing reviews for you guys.

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Like this thing out of the box smells like plastic. You know like I'm not that guy. I'm going to use it, I'm a tear it up. I'm gonna let you guys know. It's positives and negatives. Then that's what you'll get from me. If I think it's really worth it, you know whatever. So either way, I will catch you guys next week here on Wednesday um to to do the thing Wednesday at 6.30. So I'll see you guys next week. Hopefully I hear from some of you guys about the Starlink WeBoost situation and hopefully I hear from some of you guys about insurance. That is something that's so slept on, I feel like, and people don't pay any attention to, and you should, so, anyways, I will like and people don't pay any attention to, and you should, so, anyways, I will catch you guys next week. You guys have a good one. I hope everybody gets out this weekend. No-transcript.