Outskirts Overland Podcast

From Daily Commutes to Off-Road Adventures

Season 1 Episode 25

What happens when a daily driver becomes a dedicated Overland rig? Join us on this exciting episode of Outskirts Overland as I share the transformation of my truck following a significant accident. This shift has allowed me to make thrilling modifications, like seat deletes, and opened up countless possibilities for my Overland adventures. Hear all about my plans for the Big Iron Overland Rally and upcoming collaborations, such as an outdoor camping episode with Mr. Benji. Plus, don't miss my reflection on the unexpected success of our podcast and how it has unlocked new opportunities to test a variety of gear and modifications.

Are you looking for stronger and more stable mounts for your Overland setup? Discover my recent interior upgrade journey, focusing on the impressive Track Form mounts I installed. These mounts, recommended by a company after they heard my quest for better options, have proven their worth by being more durable than anything I've tried before. This episode also covers various Overlanding topics, from fitness accountability and truck configurations to the camaraderie within the community. Whether you’re a seasoned Overlander or just starting out, there are plenty of tips and insights for everyone.

Imagine the thrill of remote camping and the preparation needed to tackle extended trips! This episode dives into the beauty and complexities of Overlanding, including the trend of using American diesel trucks for off-road adventures. Hear personal stories from fellow enthusiasts, updates on vehicle builds, and upcoming camping plans. I also discuss the necessity of verifying equipment readiness, like testing diesel heaters before winter. Close out the episode with an update on my hectic content creation journey—balancing work, filming, editing, and spontaneous creativity—all while looking forward to next week's engaging chat with Boondock Haverlock about his stunning truck. Get ready for a fun, informative, and adventure-filled episode!

Speaker 1:

so Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

Speaker 1:

Boys and girls, welcome to Outskirts Overland. Welcome to the podcast of the stream. However, you guys are taking me in. I really appreciate you guys being here. I guess I'll get into it.

Speaker 1:

First things first. Man, I have a lot of people these days. I got to get through my housekeeping stuff. I guess I'm going to start a little different than usual. First, the housekeeping bit is big iron overland rally is september 27th, 28th. I'll be there. Um, confirm, my friend benji, with newfound overland, will be there. You could hang out with both of us. Um, we'll both be there. We'll be available to you guys. I will have my truck, um, I'm sure he'll be in his forerunner. We'll be having a great time. Come hang out with us. Maybe we'll do some, maybe we'll interview some of you guys. Do some stuff with you guys. See what's going on. So, big Iron Overland Rally. You can see me there. I'll also be at Rendezvous in the Ozarks Two weeks after that. For just Saturday, though, I'll only be there on Saturday. I will not be there the whole time and but Saturday, when I am there, I will be at the event all day. Um, I'll be leaving in the evening but I'll be at the event all day Saturday to maybe, you know, maybe, uh, I'm cool enough to be on what do they call it? Storyteller row. I, I'd like to think I'm more like opinionator row, but whatever, maybe I'll be cool enough to be there, so some of you guys can meet me there too. I'm in Arkansas a lot, so might be, might be cool for you guys.

Speaker 1:

Next, if you guys are looking for a navigation, you know app slash software, I do. I do have a discount code with OnX Offroad. It's what I use exclusively and the discount code is globaloverland236. Get you 20% off OnX Offroad. I also have a discount code for WeBoost, it's outskirts5. All one word. And then I have one at Toyota overlanders, which are partnered with a bunch of other brands like Zargus, lenson, solar panels, um backwoods, adventure mods. They've got quite a few um partner kind of brands with them and Charlie 10,. I'll get you 10% off with them and they, and also with Onyx and Toyota overlanders. They're kind of like they're not communities, but they all because they have brands they work with. You'll get my code, but, like when with Onyx, they have preferred partners, so you also get some discount if you're an Onyx member on some certain brands and with Toyota overlanders you'll get my discount plus whatever kind of thing they got going on.

Speaker 1:

So give it a try. Look at it. If it works for you, do it. If it doesn't, don't, worry about it. Um.

Speaker 1:

So also thanks to rough country KMC wheels and Ken to tire um for being awesome. Help me out with my truck. Um, I also like to say thank you to spoiler alert, sherpa, sherpa racks. Um, my truck looks like this in this picture. That is not what my truck looks like anymore. Um. So I'd like to say give a thanks to Sherpa racks for being awesome and M E K? Um magnets, which that'll make sense later too. Um.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, another couple of cool companies just helping with my build, and I think a lot of these companies really like the truck, but when they find out I got the truck and I do the and I do the podcast like they're, I think people inherently just want to help other people out. Um, you know I'm not just getting endless free stuff from these brands, not even getting free stuff from some of these brands at all. Um, but they're supportive. You know like, not in a. I mean in a way. You know like they're not supportive, like financially. They might not be to always be giving me free stuff, but they're helping me out. You know, tell my story about their stuff. So some of them do send me free stuff. It is what it is, um, but I try to at least be as honest as I can be with you guys. And the last but not least is Toyota trucks of Arkansas Got some cool friends over there. They they do a lot with a Razorback land cruisers as well with the, the Toyota Land Cruisers of America and fantastic group of guys over there. It's a Facebook group. So if you're a Toyota enthusiast in the Midwest, go ahead and check them out and then, yeah, so that's what I got going.

Speaker 1:

So this week I really I said what's even going on? I've changed like and I didn't mean like what's going going on. I've changed like and I didn't mean like what's going on. I don't know what's going on. I meant like what's even going on with me? Like man, some stuff recently really changed for my like. Uh, kind of out of nowhere the podcast is doing. This whole podcasting thing is like this real weird experiment in social media where I thought what I knew about social media and what I am experiencing now with having the podcast drastically different opinions. But, man, this thing does really good. So I appreciate you guys.

Speaker 1:

I recently had a pretty significant influx in my video on like building your own budget platforms and stuff and and I got like I didn't get like a lot of comments, but I saw some comments. So I appreciate you guys going back and listening to some of those and comment on them. That's what they're there for. Like a lot of my earlier stuff is stuff that I think will be, will stand the test of time and relevance in this hobby, no matter. No matter when I recorded it, it's still going to be relevant. So it's nice to see people going back and and reading some of that and hopefully that helps them you know, not only inspires them, but helps them kind of get their thing started. So I'm really happy to be seeing that.

Speaker 1:

But today, really happy to be seeing that. But today, like I mean this, I mean I got some cool stuff coming for the truck. Um, without being too weird, I finally got a daily. So the truck is not the truck's not the end. All be all of my life for kids and groceries and transportation and and everything else. So it can be down for a little bit now. So I've, I've that changes. That changes what I want to do with it now that it's not full of car seats and lots of miles. You know to like I won't be putting nearly the miles on it, so I'm really excited about that, but that does that. That already has a lot of the wheels turning in my head about, like, you know, if this wasn't my one vehicle for everything and I made it more just an overland vehicle, like it will, and that's what it will be.

Speaker 1:

It's not by any means going to be a toy. I mean I'm still going to, I'm still going to overland very regularly, you know, but I'm just not driving it back and forth to work. Um, and quite frankly it's. I mean there's a lot going on with my truck and that was kind of a just a pain. Anyways, like you know, I go to take something apart to fix it. I mean I'm there till however late or early in the morning to get it done, because if I don't, then I mean I don't have a way to work in the morning. So that's pretty crappy. Ah, here, I got Marvin's outside. I go grab this fool real quick. Don't eat dinner, start your podcast and forget your dogs outside. Guys, pro, tip out there barking at me. I'm like, oh yeah, that thing Anyways.

Speaker 1:

So now that my truck's not going to just be my like daily driven vehicle which I didn't get anything cool by any means as a daily driven vehicle, but just helps me, you know, like just it can sit for a minute, and it's sitting right now. It's got parts coming and again it's overlanding. They're all additional parts. Truck runs fine. Truck drives fine. It's just not put together at the moment. I am not going to show you guys the truck put together, probably until the week of big iron. It will be together before that. It's not probably going anywhere before that though.

Speaker 1:

Um, I did just get it back from the body shop seven thousand dollars later. Um, I have insurance. It didn't cost me seven thousand dollars, but it cost that the repair was seven thousand dollars. Um, I did just get it back like through the miracle of life. It was like a really, really, really big deal to get a bedside, for it need a new bedside, not a big deal. Um, so really cool.

Speaker 1:

Um that it's done. It's done, I have it back. It looks great. Um, I mean, I can't. It's the whole truck's repainted, so it's fantastic. I paid a little bit extra money to have you know it was there, so I had some other stuff that wasn't involved in the insurance claim done. It looks really freaking nice right now. So I mean, I've at least walked outside probably 30 times and, just like you know, like it's home. It's a big. I mean, anybody that's ever built a rig knows it's nice to just that. It's there, like it's kind of nice to have around. But it won't be on display on my Instagram or anything. I got enough old pictures and videos and stuff to keep my Instagram going until big iron and couple months It'll be at big iron.

Speaker 1:

Um, be come to big iron and come see me. I will have stickers. I'm getting stickers made. I'm gonna get nice stickers made. I'm not much of a no matter what and this is not a knock on anybody. That's just me like, just me being me. I'll get like nice final stickers for you guys Like something that's probably matte and not shiny and probably not just a square, like I'll get some stickers. I'll probably get like a hundred made. So if I see more than a hundred people at big iron, they're not going to be for people to take, but I'll give them to you. You know I'm not going to, but just that way I can regulate. Like, somebody doesn't take four, um, there'll be free, for sure. I just want to make sure I get them in people's hands. Not too many people just have a bunch of my stickers, but I'll have stickers of big iron. Um, I'll try and make them nice for you guys Like very nice decals. I'll spend a little money on it. So those will be there. Um, I don't have any merch yet. Don't know that I'm gonna, but we'll have stickers. We'll be available to talk to you. I will have some type of signage. Um, as I'm sure my camping partner, um, the Benji Ward himself, we'll also have some signage for his stuff. So, um, we'll be your one-stop shop for hanging out and BSN and looking at rigs and talking about rigs and camping, and we'll all probably watch him chilling with his air conditioning zero breeze, fancy conditioning, zero breeze, fancy and wishing we were him. But anyways, I'll be there. I'll have signage.

Speaker 1:

My truck does not, or it doesn't look like it used to already. Um, it went in the shop. I wrecked the living crap out of it. Went in the shop, um, got it the body straightened out on it and got a bunch of stuff just podcast doing real good. So got a bunch of stuff doing that and, like I said, it's a daily now or it's not my. I got a daily and it's not my daily and that makes me that's nice. Um, I would.

Speaker 1:

And again, you can daily your Overland rig for positive. I did it for until now. This is actually the first time it's been my spare car. I've had Overland vehicles and like toy cars, like Mustangs, camaros, crotch Rockets, like that's always been my fun spare. I have a Super Lamb daily.

Speaker 1:

Now the truck's my fun vehicle finally, but it's. It was getting up there, mileage and stuff. It just made more sense to kind of dedicate it so it'll look completely different. So stand by. If you guys can't make it to big iron because you're, you know, big iron overland rally, because you're locationally nowhere near it, um, around then the last week of September I'll be posting about the truck and what I did and I'll have photos and videos and stuff to put up at that point.

Speaker 1:

Um, I'm waiting for everything to get in before I do anything and I'll try and kind of put it all together and see what I can get there going on and uh, so that's cool, that's uh, that's something I'm not familiar with, like now that I'm not dailying it. Like seat deletes are an option, like just there's a lot of, there's a lot of things that just were not at all an option because it had to be the Swiss army knife vehicle. You know it's gotta be the kids, the pickup, the drop off, the groceries, the. You know, now it doesn't, now it doesn't. It just needs two seats, really actually, cause the daily is a far more comfortable family vehicle, um and so, and if anybody asks like, for once in my life I'm not going to disclose what my daily driven vehicle is. It blends in really well and I just like not being noticed.

Speaker 1:

I've had too many cool cars for the last 15 years, 20 years, whatever. Everybody always knows it's me and I am very, very, very, very happy just being the most anonymous regular traffic. Actually, my car, it's not loud, it doesn't stand out, nothing's cool about it except that it's not loud, it doesn't stand out. Nothing's cool about it except that it's really clean, because I keep my cars clean, that's about all you'll know like, and I mean like cleanly. It's not like clean, like it's stanced or got cool wheels or stock af for sure. Um, not a cool thing you guys would be if I did disclose. You'd be like, do what you do by, so, but so truck will be done. I really hope some of you guys come out to meet me.

Speaker 1:

Um, I spoke to again mr benji this week. Um, we will be working on doing something, some type of podcast collaboration. Where he was on here last time, I'll be on his um, but in the woods, like we're gonna go camping and and do that. So I'll do one of those with him coming up. But yeah, that's, that's really it. I mean, as far as what's going on with my stuff and I keep telling you, you guys, I'm going to quit saying this, but I'm going to say this statement, but I'm never saying it again. I don't know if this truck will ever be done because there's I'm getting like I don't know if I'm lucky or if, and you guys can tell me that Listen to this. Like I don't.

Speaker 1:

This podcast doesn't get any reviews, um, but it is number two in overlanding and it is getting a lot of listens. I mean I could see all that. Um, I mean I'm in the top I don't know five percent of all podcasts. I don't even know how that happened. So thanks for listening to me ramble all the time, guys.

Speaker 1:

But given that like kind of some opportunities arise, so like I don't even know that, like I like the stuff that was on my truck, but like I, people are like, hey, are you interested in this? You know, yeah, sure, yeah, absolutely. Like I'm not opposed to trying something, regardless of the you know, know the, the brand I mean my entire podcast last week about was about how the like biggest surprise of anything on my truck is the suspension in this rough country, like super surprised, um, yeah, it blew my mind how good it is. So, yeah, I, I my truck's never done. Now, when the podcast started and I, this wasn't some of the things that are options now, weren't options Paid for all my own stuff all the time, I could tell you the research I did, and I'm by no means taking on everybody and anybody, but if you got a decent, if you're decent and you want me to try something out, I mean I'm not going to throw away what I had on, that's for sure. I'm not going to sell it till I know what you, what I'm testing is worth a damn, but yeah, so that's what's going on.

Speaker 1:

The truck truck's crazy these days. Like I just did an iPad and the interior. I already got enough. I did that freaking podcast about redoing the interior. I did that freaking podcast about redoing the interior. Next thing, you know, I got freaking mount companies. Try this out, try that out, and I'll cover those. I actually there's a mount that's like, literally, I had talked about needing mounts and a company reached out to me and these mounts that I got I think they are man, let me tell you guys about these real quick. Actually, I wasn't planning to, but man, let me tell you guys about these real quick. Actually I wasn't planning to, but man there, let me make sure that, yeah, that I am a hundred percent here. Track form here I'll share this tab to you guys. Track form mounts.

Speaker 1:

I got some of these for my, for my truck, and they like go, here we go now cooking. They like go, um, let me find them. Let me find the ones that I've got here. They're like way cooler than I thought. And I got 20 millimeter balls because that fits some of my 67 designs. Um, arms they here we go.

Speaker 1:

Third gen tacoma I got these ones that go in the vents like this is similar. So this guy right here is similar to what I did have um on the rail there and it was like rattling his brains off. But I got freaking. Where are these things at? I got these ones that go in the vent are great. They like go in the vent here. I'm not even seeing them on the site here. Man, maybe I'm talking there. It is literally right here. This is it? Short reach vent phone mounts best thing I've ever tried these phone mounts.

Speaker 1:

I have both of these the magnet and the ball. Um, I gotta try them both and you can see. Like a 20 millimeter is this one different? 17? I got the 20 because that again it matches, but I got the 17 millimeter. I got the magnet, I got their short arm and I got this um. For those of you looking right now, it's like the adjustable, like slide out mount, but if you guys look like this is a really cool one. I just uh, magnet mike just sent me their stuff for the mic, but they've got the cb1 too for the vent.

Speaker 1:

These are like beyond strong. They don't vibrate like crazy like these are. I've been a pretty diehard 60s designs fan for quite some years. Um, and I did rounds before that these are and they are not again the Mike one, but like, if you look at the one, my favorite one, it is just this freaking ball one here's $30. Like, they're not expensive as I'll get out either. I see they have rail systems, but actually that probably wasn't even an option that was provided to me by them, because I was just dogging how much I hate that on the one I had. So they got some cool stuff there, but my, that's not what I got.

Speaker 1:

But these things are sick and they make them for a lot of different vehicles. They go on super easy, take like five minutes. They're super strong, love, love. These mounts were not on my radar. Um, they put themselves on my radar, so also good for them. So, yeah, track form. Um, they're on amazon too, so look them up. Like they got them for your car. They got a ton of stuff. It's all aluminum. It's not plastic. It's not, you know, like duralin or whatever it is. That like kind of like that 3d printed material. It's aluminum. It's really really good. It holds strong too.

Speaker 1:

For those of you that do like phone mounts, like you can like kind of move them even though they're tightened way down, those things don't like. They're just really good because you guys probably saw when I shown you they're a little serrated on the balls. They got figured out, man, some great mounts. I uh, really like them. They're very much worth what they cost. For the ones I got, I didn't I mean, I was telling you guys, I got the bigger like rail system things. I don't know, I don't have that um, I don't recommend that because I didn't have very good luck with those from two different brands actually. So I like those vent ones though a lot, um, so yeah, anyways, even that's changed. So that's now on the truck. That's changed.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, magnet mic they make like a I don't know, like an earth magnet thing that goes with your microphone. I got one of those and now they send me one. Um, if you're somebody that does have your mic on a like a ball handle thing, the, the mic will not slide with that magnet mic thing. It's next level, strong, um, really really good, and I think it's like 30 bucks too. So these are not, these are things I'd prefer over $200 things that I have had and they're like 30, 40 bucks. So, and they're better. They're better for what they do. Um, so, yeah, I have been. Uh, that's what I've been doing.

Speaker 1:

I mean, there was a time where I was reaching out to brands and now I'm hell, now I'm ghosting them. I mean, really, it's crazy, man. Start a podcast, guys. I don't. I mean, if you truly are passionate about something, start a podcast about it. Like that's all this is for me, like I just really like it. If you guys make comments, give me ideas of stuff to talk about, come up in the chat, have any questions for me. Like that's what I'm'm here for. I've just done it a long time. Now I'm getting this opportunity to try so much different stuff that I never even heard of. Pretty cool, it's pretty cool, I think. The sherpa things that I have I don't, I don't know that I've ever even seen one of them before. Um, I mean, they make it. So I mean somebody's had to have it before, but I don't think I've ever seen it, uh at all, and it's not like a revolutionary product, but anyways, you guys will see it when you see it.

Speaker 1:

I'm beating a dead horse here here in Missouri. The weather's freaking amazing. It's been cool. Like I said last week, me and my buddy, johnny, are running a marathon in April, so that has been brutal and I'll run today and it'll probably be the first day it's been like decent and nice and also shout out to Johnny for texting me at five this morning to tell me he ran two miles. I just want to let you know, johnny, sometime at two in the morning I will be texting you today about how I did more than that, because you know we got to measure.

Speaker 1:

I saw that this morning when I was. I just ran two miles, like 5.30 am, which is not so early, but you got to one-up it. This is what friends do. So, yeah, this is funny. I thought it was hilarious. Yeah, 5.37. Two miles in already. I'm, I'm toast 537 this morning.

Speaker 1:

I like it, though. I think me and him are having fun, kind of keeping each other accountable and doing the marathon thing, so that's cool. That is just a random offshoot of this whole thing. I uh, but again it does tie in. We're, we met this, so we'll have a lot of fun. But I'll definitely wake him up tonight too, telling him about something. I'll probably send him some David Goggins. You know, while I'm yelling, who's going to carry the logs? You know? Like something funny. I love David Goggins, holy moly, he's amazing, phenomenal. So, yeah, I'm just chilling my whole friend group's like out right now.

Speaker 1:

One of them got a new job. The other one got a new job. One of them fell off the face of the earth. I don't know what's going on with him. The other one's building a dedicated trail rig with him. The other one's building a dedicated trail rig. Johnny's going, but I don't know with who. Um, he just dented his door last weekend, probably by himself, because he's like me, um, but he's the only one with a fully operational like, fully like, still an operational schedule and truck at the moment to go. His forerunner's still fine, um, but he's going.

Speaker 1:

My friend group's kind of down, which is super, not I mean weird, like we camp all summer. I haven't camped in a month now. I wrecked my truck a month ago, wrecked it. I mean it wasn't, I drove it home. I mean I damaged it a month ago. Um, I got back now, though, and it's, you know, whatever.

Speaker 1:

I just also now have a lot of work to do, and I'm not nearly as in a rush to get it all done immediately, because I don't drive it every. Which is tight, which is super tight, and my hands and knees in life. My house is clean for once, but I'd really like to get some of you guys anybody that's listening out there. Actually, you know what, boondock, I'm going to do it right here, live. You want to be on next week? You want to chit-chat? I know you're building your Tacoma. I'd love to just listen to what you're doing. I know you're listening right now.

Speaker 1:

Boondock Taverlock's on this thing like every week, just like my friend Johnny, just like a few others are on the stream every week. I'm kind of more interested in that now. I'm kind of more interested in that. Now I'm becoming less relevant to real people and now I'm becoming that guy on social media. That's like for sure. We'll do that. I will message you when we're done. I'll have him on next week, next Tuesday, um, anyways, I'll have him on.

Speaker 1:

We'll talk about his Tacoma. He bought a gang of stuff and I'd love to just talk about that. I just want to talk about your truck. I mean, what are you doing? What's going on with your truck? Because yours is a long bed, isn't it? Which is what any Tacoma person that listens to this podcast should buy.

Speaker 1:

I didn't, and if you overland and you're not just into wheeling, you should get a long bed. It's the biggest regret I have is not getting a long bed. It is a longer vehicle slightly, but it's a better overlanding vehicle in my opinion. The long bed Tacoma, yeah, way better platform. I am happy to at least know somebody that's building their Tacoma. That is a long bed and it's a four-doordoor so it's not a extended cab long bed either. I preface there four-door long bed. Tacoma. Probably, in my opinion, probably the best overland platform.

Speaker 1:

Um period is the long bed. Trd off-road. Yeah, and he, it's like, it's like funny, he says it. I know he kind of said it with a smirk but he said the extra, the, the extra bed is huge and it's like, but it is, it really is. It's the difference between being able to like it's a foot, it's 12 inches of. I mean it's a foot longer bed. It's nice, it's very nice. Yeah, it's longer's longer, but like heck, I mean I just got done doing full-size trucks a few years ago with overlanding and they are like the rave right now. All the midsize trucks are getting bigger and the full-size trucks in overlanding seeing Ram 2500s like regularly GMC um Sierra Denali's regularly like big three quarter ton trucks are becoming real popular. I can hardly fit my little one through the trails where I'm at.

Speaker 1:

If you're somebody that is out West or in a different country and you guys overlay bigger trucks, bigger rigs, you know outside of your land cruiser stuff, like hit me up, I would love to just kind of go back and forth on how that works. Like, are you in a, are you in like a sandy climate? Like how does that work? I would, quite frankly, my truck, like my full size truck, with what I do now, would just be wrecked. I wouldn't have it. I mean it'd be totaled Like it would not. Um, I wouldn't have it. I mean it'd be totaled like it would not. It wouldn't do it. It's too wide, just too wide, the wheelbase, everything, just not okay.

Speaker 1:

So if you're somebody and I only say that because that's what I want to talk about, I want to talk to you about it, I'm sure somebody else wants to listen like how do you guys with these full-size truck do this or the bigger, like the bigger stuff? Not your, not the for, not the forerunner, not the Tacoma, not the Jeep, not the gladiator, but like F two, 50, power wagon, ram two, 50, 3,500, even, you know, like these bigger expedition vehicles like how, how does, how would what's travel look like for those folks? You know somebody even with a sprinter van. I think I got a decent idea how that works actually, but maybe I don't like. Maybe it's a lot. I can imagine that route planning when you're in a just a different style vehicle than like more of an off-road focused vehicle, that route planning is like kind of just roads.

Speaker 1:

Um, again, I just like to get as remote as possible, to be as bored as possible, to relax as much as possible, but I also don't live out of the thing. Um, and the potential to break it, wreck it, hurt it. But again, I'll drive it every day. I have a house and my house right now, um, yeah, I'm real interested in that. I watch a lot of Australian. You know overland off-road content and right now it is all the rave to have the big American diesel truck three quarters on plus, you know 2,500 and up and they look sweet. I bet they're a billion dollars, but yeah, so I boondocked on. We'll talk about his truck. I want to talk about somebody else's truck for once.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, my friend group was Bill. We were hot and heavy there for a little bit. And now, you know, people are moving, switching jobs, going through life events that kind of take them out of the picture. Life events that kind of take them out of the picture, having breakages on their stuff that are a little more, you know, involved. And I'm not talking about myself. I mean I had body damage. It's not that I just want to clean it up. Before I met all you guys at big iron um, you know stuff like that. But yeah, anyways, just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah that. But yeah, anyways, just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But yeah, I'm pretty ready to get back to camping.

Speaker 1:

Being another six weeks out from doing that again this year is rough, but I'll be out pretty much from big iron through rito, so I'll be out pretty much. The whole two weeks has changed, so I'll be out from like the 27th through like the 15th of October. So I can't, I can't. Nickel and dime vacation days, unfortunately, and still makes bigger trips like that happen. Last year I went to Colorado kind of similarly. But when you're going to do 15, 16, 16 days, 17 days, you can't. It kind of takes away from a couple of those Fridays. That would make it, you know, a reasonable weekend. So I'm a ways out. I'm a ways out from going again.

Speaker 1:

I'm taking my daughter on the 20th, before big iron um, for like a me and her alone trip. We're going to go sit on the Buffalo. So I mean I'll do that for a night, um, drive down and do that. But so you might, man, you know, if you're in Arkansas you might see my truck. Then it will be done. Then it'll. I mean it's going to be done before it'll be done in two weeks. It just isn't going to be on anything. I want to make sure I get all the stuff to the people before I put it up, make sure that it all looks good to them anyways. So yeah, that's what I got going on. I'll have boondocked on next week. We will. We'll talk about his truck, I mean, and I don't want to get into it here, but I'll get his build list and I'll rattle kind of. I'll kind of rattle off what he, what he bought, what he's doing, and then I'll, I'll really just let him take the show. From there he can tell you whatever you know, whatever's going on, um. But yeah, it's just a weird time right now.

Speaker 1:

I am following a lot of overlaying content. A lot of people are selling stuff. Justin b mcbride's gonna get a rivian. I am not an ev. Uh, I have no interest in that, but it will be cool. It'll be different. I'll watch him build it, I'm interested in that. So, um, you know, shameless plug there. Like Justin Bieber rise getting a Rivian. He's selling his gladiator and that'll be cool.

Speaker 1:

Uh, pretty much everybody else is traveling native dirt, dirt lifestyles, building a short, short wheelbase like jeep, dually for the onyx off-road build challenge, which, again, onyx is a partner here. So, yeah, go check the build challenge out. A lot of cool stuff being built. But he just hit a big old, huge elk with his tacoma, like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It's like a weird bad karma time for overlanding right now. Like man, if you guys are getting after it, enjoy it, because a lot of us that are about it, a lot are not, can't right now. I mean I just got my truck back and I mean last night just got it back. Like it is apart big time right now, completely and totally apart, like the shell had to come. The deck system, the drawers, fridge supplies, tent yes, all of it's off. So a whole ordeal for sure. But everybody, everybody I know that's like into it right now. They're like working on stuff. We got to be better, guys. You don't tear stuff apart until winter. We got to reset the cycle here, guys. We're all tearing our stuff apart in the middle of summer.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be October, november, and I'm going to be like I didn't even camp this year. What is going on? I didn't do anything. You know I did, but it won't feel right. It'll be diesel heater time.

Speaker 1:

I would like to make a shout out to everyone in North America. You know that you guys are in different places listening to this, but go ahead and give your diesel heater a start. It's August. You don't want to wait until September or October to find out if your diesel heater is going to crap on you. Go ahead and test, fill it up, run it, run it through a tank of gas or a half tank of gas fuel.

Speaker 1:

Do not wait until you need your diesel heater to see if it's working. Don't be that guy. Go ahead and kick that sucker up now If it's got problems. Get on the YouTubes tons of stuff on how to fix it, tons on how to fix it, upgrade it, make it work better or just buy another one. But don't wait forever to see if your diesel heater is going to work for you. Kick it. I've got my. I've run mine a couple of times this summer already Just for the sake of this podcast. I will probably go do it after I'm done here, just to you know, just to not be a hypocrite.

Speaker 1:

Um make, but if you let those things sit, diesel doesn't like sitting. So unless you've got like some uh, some like anti-gel conditioner in it, probably effed yourself because they're very, very not well-made things and you might jack yourself up not testing those. So get out and try out your diesel heater before you need your diesel heater. Even this morning I woke up here in Missouri again here in Missouri it might be weather, and you know, I said about Arkansas, like my heart goes out to you if you guys are currently in the Southeast here and you're being affected. Said about arkansas, like my heart goes out to you if you guys are currently in the the southeast here and you're being affected by the storms and hurricane like totally like a vibe change here. But I just hope you guys are okay, that's all um, but I believe that that weather has brought us a lot of cooler weather. It was like 60, six zero here um the other day, which is chilly for August. Six, seventh. We've been dealing with a hundred pretty regularly. So, yeah, get out and try your diesel heater. Um, I guess to kind of shoot off about the hurricane.

Speaker 1:

If anybody's interested in donating um, there are, like there are, ways to help those people out. Um, go ahead and just, I mean a good quick Google search or even Facebook groups would uh, are, are going to be there. I've said it. You know, very, very, very briefly, limitedly, I work in the mortgage industry, um, and I work in the in a part of it where I am aware of kind of the what is going on as far as damage and such is concerned, and some people are pretty down and out and uh, just, if you guys are in a place to help any of those folks out, um, I, I would, I would highly recommend you know whether it's donating to nonprofits down there to help, you know, feed some of these people, keep them water, you know, homes and stuff like that Cots, sleeping bags, coats, shoes, socks, whatever. If you could send stuff down, if you're not somebody that's comfortable sending money, those people would be very, very grateful for that.

Speaker 1:

I can't even imagine what that's like. And that's just me as a human. That doesn't have anything to do with overlanding, but, just like you know, we're all kind of in it together here as a nation. Um, and for the people that are international, like I'm sure you guys are nationalists too like take care of your neighbors, even you know, no matter what. So some of these people are greatly affected by by these storms and it's not ideal. Um, it's causing it's gotta be bad, because if it's causing this big a weather fluctuations up here where I'm at, it's pretty gnarly. So that's something to keep in the back of your mind. You know, pay attention to your loved ones, be happy they're here and you know you're. Hopefully we're all safe and nobody's family's affected. I not hope that would be terrible. I hope that's not the case, but if anybody's in a position to help, I'm sure those people would love it. I'll leave it at that this week. I'll get boondocked on next week.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to talk too much more Tacoma, because we'll talk all Tacoma next week. We'll talk all about his thing and I'll talk about he's better than me because he got the right truck and I didn't hype him up. I'll be just hype beast because he did buy the truck that I wish I would have. He owns the truck I wish I had. Um, I would've got a stick too. I'd have got a six speeds, got better gear ratio, so it wouldn't need a regeared like mine does. So long bed stick is what I would have done. I wouldn't have got a stick if you could get a better gear ratio on the automatic. So don't think I'm like a purist here. You just get a better gear ratio with the stick. Um, anyways, I'll catch you guys next week. This is probably my first like literal. Just this is random.

Speaker 1:

I got a lot going on. I just got my truck back. It's been hectic. I got a lot of work ahead of me and content, filming, videoing, pictures, editing. I got a lot of hours of that ahead of me, guys, and I keep kind of throwing a mix in there, like how I'm throwing this thing with different music and and and voiceover and I don't know you guys aren't ever going to get the same thing. I'm not that. I kind of enjoy just throwing it at the wall and seeing if it sticks. But either way, I appreciate you guys being here. I'll be here next week, like clockwork um on Tuesday, and I'll have, uh oh, boondock Haverlock on here. We'll chit, chat um, get things kicking, so you'll see his beautiful face and we'll talk about his beautiful truck. So, either way, I'll see you guys next week and have a phenomenal evening and enjoy the weather. I'll talk to you guys later.