Outskirts Overland Podcast

Making the Most of Holiday Camping Escapes

Charlie Racinowski Season 1 Episode 27

Ever wondered how a truck project, a birthday trip, and a rally collide into one amazing episode? Join me, Charlie Racinowski, on Outskirts Overland as we catch up on my latest vehicle updates and the birthday trip that almost delayed our chat. We'll dive into the exciting Big Iron Overland Rally and Rendezvous in the Ozarks, where you can connect with fellow enthusiasts and admire some jaw-dropping vehicles. Plus, we’ll touch on how overlanders are embracing the homesteading trend and the surprising influence of the movie "Twisters" on our community. There's so much to unpack—get ready for an engaging adventure filled with stories and insights.

Looking to make the most out of holiday weekends? I’m here to debunk the myth that campsites are always overcrowded during these times. Drawing from my own peaceful camping experiences in Missouri and Colorado, we’ll discuss why these weekends can actually be prime times to enjoy the great outdoors. We'll also celebrate family milestones, including my daughter Annika's ninth birthday and my own special day. Whether you're a seasoned camper or just considering your first trip, this episode will inspire you to seize the moment and explore nature. Happy birthday to Annika, and here's to an unforgettable outdoor adventure!

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to Outskirts Overland. A little bit of that interesting music today. My name is Charlie Rasanowski. I'm Polish, that was you know. I think you get it. Anyways, thanks for being here.

Speaker 1:

It's super late, it's 1145 at night and I just finished Well, not finished, but my truck's almost done. I was working on my truck, anyways, well, to get into it and to get started, first things first. If you guys are looking to get into something like Onyx Offroad, you can use my code global overland 236 and it's going to save you 20 off. And also, if you guys are interested in weboost, go ahead and use outskirts five and, uh, get five percent off there. You can use the code charlie 10 at toyota overlanders to get 10 off. Again, I say it every week they're also affiliated with many other brands um over there, so that might help you out a little more. And, uh, if you're interested, if you're in the midwest area and you're toyota enthusiast, off-road enthusiast, toyota trucks of arkansas, they are actually getting ready to do a wilderness cleanup and I think that's fantastic. It's just not something I will be able to make work with my schedule, but but if you are interested, head on over to their page and there's details about it. There. There's multiple different groups going to different areas from different areas of Arkansas Mark Twain in Missouri, many different areas. They're going to clean up a lot of stuff. That's really great and I think it's just awesome that they're doing that. So if you can go, support them in any way, um, so, yeah, that's, that's, that's about it.

Speaker 1:

Um, so, anyways, 1145, on Thursday, the 22nd tomorrow is my daughter's birthday and Saturday is my birthday my oldest daughter's birthday and Saturday is my birthday. I got um kind of I got like a went on a cool little trip during the week, got kind of like a birthday outing. Um, someone took me out, so it was great. We went out of town, so kind of had to. I contemplated not doing the podcast, but then I was like, well, it's a big deal to me that I get this out to you guys. So I figured I'd get on here and talk about something for a little bit, right?

Speaker 1:

So also, don't forget that the weekend of September 28th is Big Iron Overland Rally. I will be there. I will you know. You can meet me. We can maybe do some interviews or some Instagram shorts or something along those lines. I'd love to meet a bunch of you guys if I can. So, if, if that's up your alley, there's. There's live music, food, lots of overland vehicles. It's a. It's a really social music food, lots of overland vehicles, it's a. It's a really social, awesome event, Um, and really for meeting people it's it's probably the best, cause it's not a lot of. I mean, you just go there and camp and listen to live music and look at other people's stuff. So it's pretty cool time, um, so I'll be there, and then after that, the weekend of, say, 12th, is Rendezvous in Ozarks. I'll also be at that, so I'll meet some of you guys there. I will be kind of in and out there, though, so it's not going to be as easy to reach me, but I'll still be available.

Speaker 1:

You guys will see my truck. You'll know it's me. My truck definitely is now. I mean, you'll know it's me. It's a whole different beast. It doesn't even nothing like that anymore, um, so anyways, yeah, I just finished my truck, literally like 15, 20 minutes ago, drove home, sat here and was like I would take a shower and go to bed, but then I was like, yeah, I get you guys podcast out it's. You know I, I'm tired and I worked on my truck today but the two days before that I was kind of out on my birthday. Surprise that I got taken on and I'm not like over, not like over reaching here, so anyways.

Speaker 1:

So I figured I'd get out here and talk about, oh, excuse me, dang, anyways, I figured I'd get on here, shoot out a little bit of info. Um, I've been watching man. I've seen a couple of things, a couple of things I guess I'll get into here. One thing is I have seen a huge uptick in everybody that was overlanding, buying land and getting into homesteading. I've always thought the two hobbies kind of co-mingled, and I'm sure most people that are getting into homesteading from full-time nomadic life, overlanding, traveling, nomad, I think a lot of people keep overland vehicles of some type. I think they'll still do it, um, to some extent. But either way it, I see it, I see a big shift there. And then, um, I was actually talking to my dad tonight about it and I've seen a huge uptick.

Speaker 1:

So, uh, the the new movie twisters came out and I don't want to be a buzzkill here. So this is nothing you couldn't just see, but the vehicles in Twisters it's storm chasing, right, but the vehicles mimic Overland Vehicles like a lot. They mimic different. There's a lot of overlaying vehicle influence in that movie and I have seen, since that movie came out, a huge uptick in like people consuming my earlier videos about like building stuff and what stuff is like, kind of the more rudimentary, uh, entry level stuff. I've seen a huge uptick in that and and I was asking my dad if he's ever seen anything like that and he's like, well, I mean Trans Am's biggest year was the year after Smokey and the Bandit came out, so he's like it's definitely got some influence and I was like man, it's something. So I think that's super exciting. I mean, if you go see that movie and you automatically are like what is that? Because the trucks there, there's a lot of trucks and there's a lot. I mean there's a ton of overland influence in that movie, tons. That's not what they're doing with those trucks, but that there's a lot of influence like the way that they're set up. So I think that's great. I think some people are gonna be like man, that truck looks cool and does all the things and and I want to get what is that? And it'll lead them to finding, you know, overlanding in the podcast and YouTube and so that's a cool. That's like that wasn't on my bingo card, so that's super cool and a unique feeder.

Speaker 1:

Right now to the hobby. So but yeah, I just finished my truck. My truck has been down since the 6th of july. I wrecked it, wrecked it, damaged it on the 4th, 5th, 6th of july, went in the shop real shortly after it's been in the shop, got it back, got all my new stuff Finally came in.

Speaker 1:

Those of you that know fabricating fabric that's a, you know what's the word Teaser. You know fabricating takes some time. So I ordered some stuff, took a little bit to get in and one thing you know, one thing needs another thing to get on the truck and it's still not. I wouldn't say it's complete, complete, but it's I don't know 85% to what. I'm going to have it at here shortly.

Speaker 1:

There's a few little odds and ends with the big changes that I got to sort out, but I don't think there'll be that big of a deal. There won't be anything that keeps me up till midnight, like right now. Um, it was a night and not a nightmare, but it just. It's never as easy. Nothing ever goes as smoothly or as easily as you think it's going to go. So, but I'm happy to have my truck back, plan to go camping um few times before, two, probably two times before um big iron, uh, plan to do a lot like camp a bunch. But funds kind of got a little jacked up with the truck repair. It got pricey, um, unfortunately. It was extremely expensive to fix and the whole I mean it's.

Speaker 1:

I look like a straight poser now. My truck's like so clean, like they repainted the truck, like it's like never looked this good. So I mean I keep looking at it. But my tent's on the top and it I mean it looks like it's lived a life. So it's kind kind of and my snorkel too I mean my snorkels also that that did not get repainted, so it looks like it's lived a life as well. It's kind of it's just funny that it's, but it's looks ridiculously clean right now. Um, so whatever, but it'll be on display for you guys all to come look at completely different.

Speaker 1:

So if you're really interested in the layout kind of what's behind me, um, that it is not that anymore. It some of it is. I mean there's some stuff, but I'm not going to give away like too much of what's going on with the truck, um, and I'm not that big of a deal to like not tell you guys, but it's. It's different enough that I want to get it done and then kind of do the thing with it, show it, you know, kind of, once it's complete. I've taken pictures and stuff of me doing what I'm doing to it, but it, uh, I just like to be like bam. It's different. Look at this, um, and there's quite a bit big differences to it, even things that I was like I like this versus that. I have switched it up, because now I've got a daily driver and the truck is in the shop all the time. I've driven the truck I don't know 10, 12 miles in the last almost two months, um, it's been in the shop, but I mean, I got it back from the shop weeks ago. It's just been sitting in the garage waiting on parts um to come in, and then again they're not all all on, but most of them. So I'm real excited to get back out.

Speaker 1:

I got up this morning. I was out of town this morning. I got up and walked outside and was like man, it's freaking nice dude, it's so nice this morning. The weather is definitely getting to like. I mean, the dew is still kind of heavy, which kind of sucks, but the weather's really really getting into a rhythm of like. Definitely some good camping weather, definitely weather to be outside in, that's for sure. Um, yeah, I am thrilled to do that and I'm unfortunately unable to get out next weekend for Labor Day, but that'll be a big camping weekend. That's something to bring up. I guess Um another podcast that talked about this and I'm not going to attempt to disagree or stir anything up, but that's a good point. I could take this whole podcast this way.

Speaker 1:

But the holidays, a lot of times people think, oh, I'm not going to go out because it's going to be so crowded, because it's a holiday. I tend to find myself um, and I don't camp at campgrounds. I think if you're a campground camper, holidays are bad idea. But I have had nothing but great luck over long weekends. Like I just went on 4th of July. Nobody was out.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if it's because the people that typically would go out think that everybody's going to be out or there's going to be a bunch of people out, or I'm just going remote enough to where it's just irrelevant of what, when it is um, potentially. But man, don't let the holiday stop you from camp and don't be like, oh, it's gonna be so crowded. I mean, if you're not going to a camp and don't be like, oh, it's gonna be so crowded. I mean, if you're not going to a, like a pay-to-play place, like you know, I'm sure off-road parks will be busy. I'm sure you know pay rent, rent a spot, camp spots will be busy, but I don't think the national forests or anything are going to be busier than any other weekend. Um, just because it's a long weekend and I've found that a lot of people have plans over the long weekend. So I've actually seen it busier, just random X, random, nice weekend, you know.

Speaker 1:

Then holidays, so not to disagree with that podcast whatsoever, I mean it really depends on where you go and it also depends on if you, if it does happen to be crowded, are you like, are you committed to dealing with it? Like you know, typically on holidays a lot of camp, camping culture in general, you know, can get kind of loud and kind of Kind of wild oh, sorry I'm yawning, guys Freaking midnight but can be kind of, can be kind of loud and wild wild. But I've always had great luck on the weekends. I camped on memorial day. I camped over fourth of july weekend um, empty. Both times I went there was nobody. But who I brought with me at all?

Speaker 1:

Um, I have never in my personal experience this is not. This is not what I believe to be everyone's experience, but in my personal experience this is not. This is not what I believe to be everyone's experience, but in my personal experience I have had nothing but good luck camping over holidays. So if that was on your mind, you're more than a week out. Maybe put that back on the calendar, because I think that's what everybody's thinking. Everybody's going to be out, it's going to be out, it's going to be crowded, it's going to be this, it's going to be that. Well, you get Monday off Most people do, and I have not seen it be crowded because of that ever. And it's always nice to camp more than one night. So I think that's always great too.

Speaker 1:

Like you can go out Friday night, saturday night and Sunday night, you get three night camp in. Or you just go Saturday and Sunday night or Friday and Saturday night, but you can get two in, still, come home and have a full weekend's worth of days. Just just don't be deterred by the holiday. I've heard, I've heard. I've heard nothing but the opposite of what I'm saying, which is why I will say my experience and I, even this year, have went on many holidays. I mean the two most recent holidays I went on for sure. Um, I unfortunately can't go. It's just, man, my birthday is this weekend, my daughter's birthday is tomorrow, my younger son and daughter, their birthdays match up a day apart too, and it's in a couple of weeks. Like it's just not, it's just not in the cards for me right now. I got a lot of it's like christmas number one before real christmas comes. So it's just a lot going on right now with all that stuff and getting ready for that and family stuff and all that.

Speaker 1:

But go camping. I would 100 be camping over labor day if it was. I mean, if it was a different. Last year on Labor Day I went to Colorado for 10 days, like within Labor Day, and even in Colorado over Labor Day, guess what? No problems, like again. So I'm not even talking about like it's just Missouri. Like it was fine. Tully Ride was super busy, but Silverton wasn't busy, Crested Butte wasn't busy, colorado Springs, Pikes Peak, like none of it was extremely busy and not only is that like highly trafficked in general, it was highly trafficked, weather's getting cooler and a holiday weekend, no problems and no problems.

Speaker 1:

So I maybe I'm lucky, maybe I don't know if I'm doing something different, but I've heard nothing but like the holidays are the worst and uh, I just haven't had that happen to me. So I mean, if you're the person with the worst luck in the world, I mean don't go. I mean, if you're the person with the worst luck in the world, I mean don't go. But if you are interested in giving it a shot, I've had great luck on holidays. I mean I went memorial day, labor, I mean memorial day last year, labor day last year, fourth of july last year. I mean, yeah, I'm pretty much every holiday weekend that you can go, I went.

Speaker 1:

So I mean it's not going to be like when I go in the winter. I do go in the winter a lot and that's desolate, you know. I guess I go over holidays in the winter too, like you know, like new years or you know, even around Christmas or Valentine's day, like go camp. I go camping around those times too, thanksgiving time, but I don't, I don't think those aren't holidays, where I think anybody thinks people are going to be crowding the camp spots. So I, I will. I will go ahead and say that's probably that's not what I'm talking about, because in general people aren't camping when it's cold.

Speaker 1:

My experience, but yeah, give it a shot. I just was thinking about it and it's coming up and even though I'm not going, I have heard podcasts recently and I was just like man, it's not like a hot take or anything, but I, I just have never had a problem camping on a holiday. Um, I live kind of close to lake of the ozarks. That's gonna be nuts, but again there's, that's not camping culture whatsoever, that's lake culture. That's party culture, that's party cove. That's different world. Um, I've, quite frankly, I've never camped at Lake of the Ozarks. Sorry guys, but I never camped at Lake of the Ozarks, but there's nothing really there anyways, but the weather's supposed to be beautiful. I mean, I just can't stress enough. I mean maybe I'm leading you down a path of failure. I hope not. But again, just being a dude with real experiences, I've never had a bad one on a holiday. So maybe give it a shot. Man might be worth it to get out.

Speaker 1:

The weather is freaking nice, so nice, just the dew. The dew is crazy. So air out your tents, be cognizant of mold Because you will get it if you close your stuff up. It gets to 90, it's closed to heat. Open it up, dry it out. Make sure you pay attention to that stuff. I brought up a long time ago on a podcast silica packets that they like putting beef jerky. They're good to throw into, like your bags and stuff, to try and help keep your stuff dry.

Speaker 1:

Um, because the dew is kind of a it's not rain by any means, but it your stuff's going to get wet, some something's getting wet chair, camp chair, whatever. Um, yeah, the dew sets on top of things. So one thing that, uh, I guess is not something everybody knows I always take my camp chair you can see my camp chair If you're watching right here to my side and I flip it down and it doesn't this it'll get due on the back side of it, but it won't get on the inside where the where you sit, or I just put it away. But make sure you pay attention to that. I hate nothing more than when the dew is so heavy and it's humid, like it is now, and I get up in the morning, go to chill out, watch the sunrise or whatever I'm doing, you know, and my chair's wet like what. This sucks, so that, just pay attention to the dude. Dude sucks. Um, but yeah, I really don't have anything else. Get, get out, go camping over the weekend.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to get something out for you guys. Um, we talked a lot about Tacoma's last week with my my guest and he brought up a lot of stuff I didn't want to get too into. Like I just finished working on my truck. I mean, I again I don't really like talking about it too much, but I think it's kind of cool that I get on here at midnight and I'm like I am doing what I told you guys I do. It's midnight, I just got done working on it. I started working on it at. I was off today because I went on the, got taken on a birthday trip, got back at like two, started working on my truck at three, finished at 11 30, so 11, 15, 11 o'clock, something like that. So and I thought it was, it was going smooth until it wasn't. So that goes sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, no broken bolts, stuff. I mean I'm just changing the overland setup. So not like I, you know, when you get into fixing a vehicle mechanically suspension, whatever, like you always just bank on it, taking two more hours than you think or two days. So nothing like that, you know, just stuff happens. So, anyways, I hope you guys all have a good weekend.

Speaker 1:

This weekend I'll be on next week. Um, I think tuesday, tuesday next week it'll be normal. I, I just really want to get something out there for you guys. I, uh and maybe not even for you guys, maybe for me I want to try and stay on schedule. So, get out camp, put, put camping on the weekend, put camping on the holiday back on your agenda. Potentially, if you, if it was something that you were thinking and you potentially looked into it and we're like, ah, better, not, you know, eh, I, I have never had a problem with it. Um, so if you were looking for some, if you were looking for a reason to go and give it a shot or tell your spouse or your kids, like you can say hey, charlie said it's fine. Uh, if it ends up not being fine, you can also blame me and that's totally cool. Um, I just haven't had a problem with it. So, um, I hope you guys all have a good weekend. I will be, you know, doing the thing. There won't be too much on Instagram over the next couple of days with the birthdays and stuff. So hope you guys get out, hope you guys have fun. Enjoy the weather. If you're not camping, get out and do something else. You're always going to feel better doing that. So, again, get out, have fun, and I will see you guys next week and I'll get this out to you.

Speaker 1:

It'll be my daughter's birthday today. When this goes, when this is live, or it is now her birthday. It's past midnight. So happy birthday to my daughter annika. She is, uh, nine years old today, so she's the oldest. So big deal, big stuff, big stuff here. So happy birthday to her. And then the next day happy birthday to me, and I'm old, so I'm not gonna talk about it. But, um, you know, whatever I'm, you know it's a birthday. Once you're old, it doesn't matter. So have a good one guys. Enjoy. You know, whatever you got planned.